thirty four

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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 9:32 PM
i know what you did...

Dinah | 9:34 PM
aw so you got the flowers! did you like them?

Camila | 9:34 PM
wait, what?
what are you talking about

Dinah | 9:35 PM
uhh...what are you talking about

Camila | 9:35 PM
i was sending lyrics to a song i've been writing with shawn
what are YOU talking about?

Dinah | 9:35 PM
oh...yeah me too

Camila | 9:36 PM
why don't i believe you?
i feel like there's a bouquet of flowers sitting in my hotel room

Dinah | 9:36 PM
i guess you'll just have to wait and see

Camila | 11:25 PM
dinah are quite the romancer

Dinah | 11:27 PM
oh am i?

Camila | 11:27 PM
you are, i'm at the hotel
and i found a bouqet of roses on my bed

Dinah | 11:28 PM
do you have any idea who they're from?

Camila | 11:28 PM
i have my suspicions...
but if i knew who it was, i would want her to come to my hotel room so i could kiss her

Dinah | 11:29 PM
what if your secret admirer is already in bed?

Camila | 11:30 PM
i'd still want to give her kisses

Dinah | 11:30 PM
eff it, i'm on my way

Camila | 11:31 PM
drive careful

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