forty one

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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Camila | 4:01 PM
the promo with shawn is starting soon
so please don't be alarmed if you see us together

Camila | 4:03 PM
it's strictly for the cameras

Dinah | 4:05 PM
it might hurt a little but i understand

Camila | 4:06 PM
thank you for staying with me through this

Dinah | 4:07 PM
of course
but can you start a group chat with shawn?

Dinah | 4:08 PM
i want to set some ground rules

Camila | 4:10 PM
omg dinah
don't go crazy gf on him

[camila added shawn and dinah to a groupchat]

Camila | 4:12 PM
shawn, this is my girlfriend dinah

Dinah | 4:12 PM
hey homewrecker

Camila | 4:12 PM

Dinah | 4:13 PM
it was a joke little one

Shawn | 4:15 PM
what's up, my girlfriend's girlfriend?

Dinah | 4:16 PM
nothing much, just sharpening my knife

Shawn | 4:16 PM
she's funny, i like her

Camila | 4:17 PM
back off shawn that's MY girl

Shawn | 4:18 PM
not anymore

Dinah | 4:19 PM
why did i ask for this

Shawn | 4:21 PM
because you wanted to ride the shawn train

Dinah | 4:22 PM
don't ever say that again

Shawn | 4:22 PM
the shawn train
btw camila, wanna jam tonight?

Camila | 4:22 PM
count me in! i'll be there

Dinah | 4:23 PM
have fun

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