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[dm between @harrysbish97 and ratchetandsassy]

harrysbish97 | 8:01 PM
wanna know what trips me out
we've been friends for like two weeks now
and i have no idea what you look like

ratchetandsassy | 8:02 PM
i think it's kinda cool and mysterious
like we've gotten to know each other and become friends
without getting looks involved because if people are super pretty you might get intimidated
you know?

harrysbish97 | 8:02 PM
so deep i can't even see you
but yeah i know sometimes i don't talk to people because they seem like they would be really stuck up. it's cool that we can bond without showing our faces
but i'm curious

ratchetandsassy | 8:03 PM
i'm curious too
i need to see you before my mind forms an image of what you look like

harrysbish97 | 8:03 PM
it's like when you're reading a book and you have a version of the character in your mind but when they make a movie, the actor looks nothing like them

ratchetandsassy | 8:03 PM
!!!!!! exactly
so which one of us is going to go first

harrysbish97 | 8:04 PM
i'm nervous now
you go you're the oldest

ratchetandsassy | 8:05 PM
wow thanks for throwing me under the bus dinah
okay i'm sending a selfie
prepare your eyes

ratchetandsassy | 8:05 PMwow thanks for throwing me under the bus dinahokay i'm sending a selfieprepare your eyes

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harrysbish97 | 8:06 PM
holy??? shit???
i don't even want to send mine now
why didn't you tell me you were a model

ratchetandsassy | 8:06 PM
excuse me i am too clumsy to be a model

harrysbish97 | 8:07 PM
you're gorgeous please fall in love with me

ratchetandsassy | 8:07 PM
take me to dinner first 🙄

harrysbish97 | 8:07 PM
i hate you
this is my cute ass

ratchetandsassy | 8:10 PMsorry it took me a couple minutes to answer i thiNK I JUST DIEDyou are too hot to be talking to me i sweari'm so intimidated right now wow

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ratchetandsassy | 8:10 PM
sorry it took me a couple minutes to answer i thiNK I JUST DIED
you are too hot to be talking to me i swear
i'm so intimidated right now wow

harrysbish97 | 8:10 PM
we're both cute as hell

ratchetandsassy | 8:11 PM
we really are
so does your offer still stand on you falling in love with me 😏

harrysbish97 | 8:11 PM
i'll think about it 😜

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