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[text conversation between lauren and camila]

Lauren | 9:21 AM
when are you going to be home
i miss you

Camila | 9:22 AM
i miss you too 😣
i don't know when i'll be home

Lauren | 9:22 AM
i wish i didn't have adult responsibilities
so i could be in LA with you and your new friends

Camila | 9:23 AM
aww is lolo jealous?

Lauren | 9:23 AM
no...i just miss my best friend

Camila | 9:23 AM
they'd love you
i talk about you a lot so they practically know you

Lauren | 9:24 AM
yeah but like you guys are always together
and you look like a real squad and i feel left out

Camila | 9:24 AM
i'm really sorry lauren
come to LA

Lauren | 9:25 AM
idk when i could catch a break with work

Camila | 9:25 AM
even just a few days
we could go sight seeing and just hang out

Lauren | 9:26 AM
i'll try to figure something out ok?

Camila | 9:27 AM
you better

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