fifty three

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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Dinah | 2:33 PM
where are you?
i haven't heard from you all day

Camila | 2:38 PM
it was supposed to be a surprise but

Camila | 2:39 PM
we're at the real estate's office

Dinah | 2:40 PM
are you serious?

Camila | 2:45 PM
yeah the hotel fees were catching up to us
we got an apartment

Dinah | 2:46 PM

Camila | 2:50 PM
yeah of course
we were gonna to furniture shopping later today if you want to come with us

Dinah | 2:51 PM
well i need to be there to pick out a bed big enough for the both of us

Camila | 2:52 PM
stop being so frisky i am in public

Dinah | 2:53 PM
so are you saying i shouldn't send pictures like this?

Dinah | 2:53 PMso are you saying i shouldn't send pictures like this?

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Camila | 2:56 PM
oh mymgkfkdj
you better stop

Dinah | 2:57 PM
i don't think i will

Dinah | 2:58 PM
imagine me coming over to the apartment when your mom isn't home, we can be as loud as we want

Camila | 2:59 PM

Dinah | 3:01 PM
it's going to be great

Camila | 3:03 PM
it will be
when i'm ready for it

Dinah | 3:05 PM
i will wait until you're ready

Camila | 3:06 PM
it's not going to be much longer if you keep sending pictures like that

Dinah | 3:10 PM
sorry 😈

Camila | 3:11 PM
you're not sorry

Dinah | 3:12 PM
nah i'm really not

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