sixty nine

610 27 4

[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Dinah | 10:30 PM
hey... i miss you
i just wanted to say i'm sorry

Dinah | 10:31 PM
i was being controlling and insecure and i really shouldn't have pushed that on you
i miss you and i'd love to talk to you back home

Camila | 10:35 PM
it just hurts that you felt like i don't love you enough or that i'm too good for you

Dinah | 10:35 PM
i don't think that
i think we're perfect for each other
and i'm really sorry i made you upset

Camila | 10:36 PM
i accept your apology
one thing that bothers me is how normani and ally reacted... i get they're just trying to protect you but it made me feel like i was back in middle school

Dinah | 10:37 PM
ally feels really bad about it
i'll talk to normani and tell her that we're good again. i'm sorry she tried to drag lauren into this

Camila | 10:38 PM
the apology is less for me and more for lauren
she felt like you guys were using her for information instead of just talking to me

Dinah | 10:38 PM
i know and i get how rude that was
tell lauren i'm sorry

Camila | 10:39 PM
i did and she said it's not your fault
we're actually at a club right now
people coming up to me asking for selfies

Dinah | 10:40 PM
oh word? can i get a selfie 👀

Camila | 10:40 PM
never change dinah jane

Camila | 10:41 PMi took that before we went out

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Camila | 10:41 PM
i took that before we went out

Dinah | 10:42 PM
i can't believe i'm dating the hottest woman on earth...
we need to go out for the night when you come home, we need to stunt on this town

Camila | 10:42 PM
i miss your face

Dinah | 10:43 PM
i miss yours more
and your voice...

Camila | 10:43 PM
i love you and i'm glad we're okay again
i'll text you when i get home

Dinah | 10:44 PM
okay, let me know when you get home okay

Camila | 10:44 PM
i will 💕

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