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[dm between @harrysbish97 and @ratchetandsassy]

harrysbish97 | 11:23 PM
why didn't you tell me?

ratchetandsassy | 11:23 PM
excuse me?

harrysbish97 | 11:24 PM
why didn't you tell me that you were so short?

ratchetandsassy | 11:24 PM
i feel so attacked right now

harrysbish97 | 11:24 PM
you're so small aw
i saw you get up from your laptop and hug your dad goodnight while we were on skype
either he's super tall or you're just really tiny

ratchetandsassy | 11:25 PM
i hate you so much
fight me right now

harrysbish97 | 11:25 PM
you can't even reach me to fight me
that was a short joke, not a long distance joke

ratchetandsassy | 11:26 PM
i'm breaking up with you

harrysbish97 | 11:26 PM
we aren't even dating

ratchetandsassy | 11:27 PM
we were over before we even began

harrysbish97 | 11:27 PM
no but for real
is there something here?

ratchetandsassy | 11:27 PM
i'm so glad you asked because i was too shy to say anything
but i think so, for me at least
i kinda like you

harrysbish97 | 11:28 PM
i kinda like you too 😊

ratchetandsassy | 11:30 PM
but it's not a good time right now? you're halfway across the world and i want to make sure we have a personal connection before we jump into something serious
i don't want to mess this up because i think we're something special

ratchetandsassy | 11:31 PM
with a lot of friendships, especially on twitter, it's so easy to talk to someone once and then forget about it
it's so different with you, dinah, i feel like we clicked right from the moment i messaged you

harrysbish97 | 11:31 PM
you're right
i never approach anyone on here so if it wasn't for you talking to me first i never would have reached out

ratchetandsassy | 11:31 PM
wanna know a secret
i never dmed anyone else besides you

harrysbish97 | 11:32 PM
really? why me?

ratchetandsassy | 11:32 PM
you always sound so nice in your tweets
like if there's drama going on you'll always step in and just want everyone to calm down instead of fighting over silly stuff
you show so much genuine love and it's really sweet, i'm glad we're friends
wow who knew you calling me short would turn into such a sappy moment 🤔

harrysbish97 | 11:33 PM
you're gonna make me cry happy tears 😭
thanks for being my friend

ratchetandsassy | 11:33 PM
thanks for being mine

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