sixty seven

631 23 1

[text conversation between lauren and camila]

Camila | 7:33 PM
i'm so sad lauren

Lauren | 7:33 PM
you literally didn't do anything wrong
she just needs to stop being so insecure

Lauren | 7:34 PM
it's not healthy for dinah to be this dependent on you

Camila | 7:34 PM
i know but i still feel like i did something wrong? because she's right, she would drop everything to make sure i was okay

Lauren | 7:35 PM
the difference is that you've got your career to worry about now, she might not understand that being famous is harder than it looks

Lauren | 7:36 PM
you're constantly going from performances to photoshoots to the studio to events
she doesn't understand that your life as a celebrity just can't come to a halt
and she needs to listen when you tell her that

Camila | 7:36 PM
i tried but she left me on read
i know she told normani and ally because they both unfollowed me on twitter

Lauren | 7:37 PM
that's really childish

Camila | 7:37 PM
and yet i still feel like it's my fault

Lauren | 7:37 PM
well it's not
if it makes you feel any better i found this picture the other night

Lauren | 7:37 PMwell it's not if it makes you feel any better i found this picture the other night

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Lauren | 7:38 PM
i may or may not have cried

Camila | 7:40 PM
holy shit that picture is ancient
i want to come home now

Camila | 7:58 PM
i have a small break next week
and i just booked a flight

Camila | 7:59 PM
see you soon

Lauren | 7:59 PM

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