twenty eight

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[text conversation between dinah and camila]

Dinah | 12:09 PM
did you see that headline lmao

Camila | 12:12 PM
what headline?

Dinah | 12:13 PM
from clevvernews, it was really dumb
it said "upcoming star camila cabello's friends are arguing over her on twitter"
and they made our small little twitter exchanges into something negative

Camila | 12:15 PM
ignore them, that's what i've been doing
internet news media is desperate for drama, don't give it to them
also, they called me an upcoming star? wtf

Dinah | 12:16 PM
yeah i knew you'd be excited about that
any word on how the label liked your demo?

Camila | 12:17 PM
not yet but we're hoping for some news today

Dinah | 12:19 PM
i'm positive that they'll offer up some positive feedback

Camila | 12:20 PM
you're lame
but i love you

Dinah | 12:23 PM
i know you do
want to hang out with me and the girls today?

Camila | 12:25 PM
sure! what are you guys up to?

Dinah |12:27 PM
well we're beating our faces rn

Camila | 12:30 PMnormANI LOOKS SO HOTand ally looks adorable aw

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Camila | 12:30 PM
and ally looks adorable aw

Dinah | 12:31 PM
i think you're forgetting someone

Camila | 12:32 PM
eh, you're alright

Dinah | 12:35 PM
you're so rude
anyway, come over to mani's house, ally baked again

Camila | 12:36 PM
you had me at 'ally baked' and 'mani's house'

Dinah | 12:37 PM
hush and get your ess over here

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