This isnt news about me, but...

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As it says in the title, this isn't about me but it's still good news. It's about my older brother, J🙎🏾‍♂️

In case you don't know, my brother is FTM. He came out in 2014 and I was always his biggest supporter. He got his top surgery about 2 years ago and since then he's been very happy.

He even got a boyfriend not too long ago (not sure if they're still together tho. Hope so.)

It feels like just yesterday when he came out, but it's actually been almost 4years...good lord...I'm starting to sound like my mom now lol.

But anyways, back to the point. He's getting his bottom surgery, not like the actual bottom surgery, but the one where he gets his ovaries disconnected from the rest so he can't get pregnant. (they don't really go into detail about it so I don't know everything.) not sure what's it's called tho, if someone could tell me that'd be great.

I'm praying for my brother, I'm not even Christian but I still hope he's alright. I say this now because he's going in today. I'm happy for him, but like any other good little brother, I hope for him to be okay. (I say a little prayer for you Jeremiah Pharaoh Hawkins🙏🏾)

But I have other news too. I'm going to Vegas again on Saturday to get another haircut because my hair grows fast. It grew an inch and a half in two months. Like Jesus.

And I'm gonna start shopping for men's jeans, which is a big step for me. I know it doesn't sound like much, but I've only ever worn women's jeans and I've never minded, but it's still scary. I hope my mom will let me wear them, even tho I'm almost certain that she will. My mom doesn't care what I wear as long as it's appropriate and it fits so I'm almost certain she will.

I'm gonna be eighth grades biggest assumed lesbian and I'm gonna love it. And then they'll be confused because I have a boyfriend, and then I'll be like IM A BOY BITCH! That'll be really fun.

Anyways before you go, here are some cute texts between and my bf: (they're all in order btw in case you were wondering)

Anyways before you go, here are some cute texts between and my bf: (they're all in order btw in case you were wondering)

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(Yea he was in the hospital because he broke his tailbone)

(Yea he was in the hospital because he broke his tailbone)

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(Yea we're weird)

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(Yea we're weird)

(Yea we're weird)

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(The gifs will haunt you in your dreams)

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(The gifs will haunt you in your dreams)

Yea we're strange.

When I wrote that, it autocorrected to "we're straight". LOL AS IF. We're both gay af.

He's gonna kill me for broadcasting this to the world, but he has a crush on Naruto Uzamaki (not sure if I spelled that right). He has him as his google background. Cabbagecat11 and I should set him on a date. lol he's gonna kill me.

Anyway, byesies!

--Hayden who's gonna be dead in 24 hours (at least)

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