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Once at home, her day got even worse. Sat next to Ginger was a blonde owl, with a letter in its beak. A very recognisable owl to say the least. She took the letter from its beak and handed it one of Ginger's treats before saying, "Off you go, 'Firewhiskey'." You can tell whose owl that belongs to can't you with a name like that. She hadn't seen it in seven years but it was still very familiar. Ginger squawked so Harley handed him a treat before sitting at the kitchen table. She peeled open the envelope and pulled out the scrunched up parchment. 

Dear Harliana, 

It's your mother. Your father and I are moving to America (North Carolina to be exact, not that it concerns you anyway) to live with some friends. You probably remember them, Celeste and Barry Thomasin. They were around quite often, do you remember? Anyway, we have decided not to sell the house, but leave it now in your name so if you are to come back from that retched country, you have a house to live in. See what amazing parents your father and I are. We still do not understand why you went to live and work in Uganda, or wherever it is. We gave you so much and you chose to runaway instead of getting a job in England! You ungrateful girl! We have given you our house for Merlin's sake. If it so happens that we visit England and the house is an utter shithole, we will punish you. Adult or not! Good day.

- Your mother,  

Anna Lupin. 

Harley sighed and scrunched the parchment up throwing it at the wall. Amazing parents?! Snape would have been a better parent than they ever were! Her head fell onto the table and her hands tugged at her hair. Perfect timing as well, just as she had fucked her first proper friendship up, her parents owl her for the first time in seven years! Another owl squawkd and she knew it wasn't Ginger so she said, "FUCK OFF FIREWHISKEY!" But the damn owl continued to squawk. She lifted her head and saw Errol, the Weasley family owl. 

Standing up she took the letter from its beak and opened it, giving Errol a treat but not sending it away. It was an old owl and deserved rest. Instantly she recognised Mrs Weasley's handwriting. 

Dear Harley, 

I have just received an owl from Bill saying he has found out about what has been happening at Hogwarts. Now I know you were not the one to tell him as he included that part in his letter. Thank you for trying your best at keeping him unaware of the events, however I know my Bill, and I can assume he is rather angry at you. I am very sorry if he is, and I can assure you it will pass, and he will return to how he normally acts very soon. Bill is quite dramatic when it comes to his siblings and if there is anything wrong with them. For example when Ginny used to have nightmares, she would crawl into bed with him and he would stay awake all night making sure she was okay, same for Ron, in fact it was the same for all of the kids. He will get over it soon and will realise why you did what you did, and if he doesn't I shall send him a howler. 

Anywho, I hope all is well with you and I hope that definitely in the summer you can visit with Bill, you are a lovely girl and I think my other children would love to meet you.

 Reply soon, 

All my love, 

Mrs Molly Weasley x

Harley sighed, she would reply later on. For now she just sat staring at the wall her head rested in her palms. Mrs Weasley obviously knew what Bill was like more, but Harley saw the hatred and disappointment in his eyes when he spat at her. She didn't know what it was like to have siblings, heck she didn't know what it was like to have good parents. She didn't know how Bill was feeling right now, she didn't know what he must be thinking knowing what was happening back at Hogwarts. She didn't really know anything. However, she knew somebody that does. 

Taking parchment from a nearby drawer, along with ink and a quill she began to write her letter. 

Dear Remus, 

I know we haven't seen nor spoke to each other in a while and well, I don't really have an excuse for it, but I am sorry. In case you are wondering this is Harley. I currently do not live in Devon at the moment, I have been living in Egypt for seven years, working as a curse-breaker for Gringotts, that is partly why I haven't spoke to or seen you in ages. 

I would just like to ask, how are you? How is things with your mum and dad? How is everything? 

I should probably tell you why I am writing to you after so long. I have come to a bit of a situation and I could do with your opinion on things. You don't have to reply if you don't want to but it was worth a try. Okay so when at school I knew a boy called Bill and this year in September he transferred from the English base to here at the Egyptian base to work as a curse-breaker. And over the past few months we have gotten really close, his parents came to visit at Christmas too and they're lovely. However a couple of weeks ago his mother owled me to tell me what has been happening at Hogwarts recently with the chamber of secrets opening and the petrifications etc, and asked me to keep it quiet from Bill as five of his six siblings are still students there, his youngest only being a first year. I have done what I was asked but Bill has found out from a third party. He also found out that I was keeping it from him and is very angry at me. I did manage to explain it to him that his mother asked me to keep it a secret from him, but he wasn't having any of it and yeah we haven't spoke since. 

What should I do?

Hopefully you reply, if you don't that is okay. 

Lot's of Love, 

Harley Lupin, 

(Your cousin)

x x x

She attached the letter to Ginger's beak and said, "To residence of Lyall and Hope Lupin please." Harley sent it to her aunt and uncle's because she hadn't a clue where Remus maybe living and this way it would definitely get to him. Ginger flew off into the distance and for the third time today. Harley slumped ta the kitchen table. 

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