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Christmas, a time for joy and happiness.  Time for family and friends to come together and celebrate. Not having three young adults on the run, one son stuck in Romania to look after the dragons, another son who had disowned his family, two girls with bruises from where they had taken punishments for other, younger students, a werewolf who had been struggling with dealing with the bad ones and Mrs Weasley who was too happy for her own good as she covered up her pain.

Harley, however, took what she could get and sprung into Bill's arms, kissing him with no care for who was watching them. Bill held her by the waist and smiled into the kiss, he had missed his wife terribly and holding her in his arms was heavenly. Soppy but well deserved.

"Oh, it's good to have you home, dear," Said Mrs Weasley as the pair settled down on a sofa. "How have you been? How's work?"

Harley sighed with a shake of her head, "stressful. Dreadfully stressful. They're having us here, there and everywhere. Dylan and Asa have ended up spending their Christmas in Paris because Asa has been sent there for work. I had a few weeks in Istanbul. The Goblins have noticed a rapid decrease in work in Egypt since everything went to pot. Roger, the boss, has had a word with us all and said that we have to be prepared to come back here at least for a month or two. The goblins need more and more people here and in Scotland near the school. It's risky because of the overthrow at the ministry but if it means being here I'll take it. I just hate being so back and forth, it'd be nice to fully settle down."

"What happens once this is all over?" Asked Sirius, "will you return to England permanently?"

Bill turned to Harley with his eyebrows raised. He hoped she would say yes. He wanted her back but understood that Egypt was her home. Would he go back to Egypt?

"Not sure," Harley replied, bunching her hair knot a pony tail and tying it up. "I don't think I can say anything for certain, we don't know how long all of this will go on for. I hope it's not too long, it's a horrible time to be alive. All I know is the Goblins are not happy with Deatheaters trying to control them. They don't usually take sides but it's clear they're allegiance is with us. We abide by them not try to control them."

"It's ridiculous. At least we have the goblins. We can't afford to have them against us." Remus told her, "but other than work, have you been okay? You've been off the radar for a few weeks."

"I've been fine. Just busy is all. I'm glad that we've still got a Christmas break, there were talks of that going away."

Bill put his arms around her and pulled her close. He didn't say much to her until later that evening when most people were napping, full stomachs tiring them out. He took her out to the garden, the dark night sky littered with stars which were quickly hidden by rolling clouds. They cuddled up on an old chair and wrapped themselves in a knitted quilt. "I'll move out to Egypt." Bill said quietly as his fingers few circles on Harley's stomach.


"When this is all over I'll move back to Egypt. I what us to be together properly."

Harley sighed and her breath looked out in front of her, "darling, you're in a better position with better money here. It's better for you here."

"I don't care about money or positions. I want to be with you. Harls, you mean the world to me and this war is only reinforcing how much I need to be with you, by your side. I can't bear the thought of losing you in all of this so how do you think I can cope knowing that you're in a totally different country, continent even? It's hard, I want to hold you and kiss you when you're tired or down. I want to share joint memories, not tell you of the ones I have made without you and vice-versa. I'm coming back to Egypt. I'm not living without you after this."

Harley adjusted herself so that she could see him. Gently, she put her hand on his cheek and ran her thumb across his scar. Her grey eyes searched his looking for anything and everything in them. She could see is sincerity as clear as day and she could see the desperation shining behind that. Eyes are the key to someone's soul yet what if they're the connector between two? As the pair stared into each other's eyes they felt more connected than ever before. It was like their souls were blocking one and there lives were binding together in more than just marriage but in physical way. There was definitely more to discover about each other, more hidden secrets but they didn't matter. What mattered was they were one and were stronger together.

"We'll talk about this when it is over. Who knows, I could be sick of Egypt by then. We'll just have to wait and see. The future is unclear and unpaved but together we'll walk the road and build the bridges. For you and I are one, William Arthur Weasley, far apart or close together, we're one at heart and one at soul."

Bill closed his eyes and inhaled a large breath. He exhaled softly and his whole body shook. His love for Harley had grown more in that second, more than he ever thought possible. It filled his whole body and awakened his inner self. However long they had with each other left (he was well aware that they could die at any point under the hands of Lord Voldemort or his army) he would love her with every breath in his body, every skip of heart beat, every blink of an eye, he would love her with his full capacity. He would give her his life and his dreams, he would give her everything. Everything.

"My love for you is unconditional and I promise you we'll come out of this and then our life together really starts. There'll be no more worries, I can promise you that. I love you, Harley."

"I love you too, Bill and I-"

"Bill? Harley? Would you like any pudding?"

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