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After giving in to Molly and Arthur insisting that she stay for dinner, Harley found herself sat on Bill's sofa beside him and Ron with the latter's rat on her lap. He smelt her like a dog and tried to crawl onto her shoulder once on her shoulder Scabbers, the rat, kept head-butting her cheek. The girl stiffened and wanted to fling the rodent off of her but knew she couldn't as it was Ron's rat. "Are you okay?" Charlie asked her. She tried to nod her head but found it difficult to because of Scabbers. 

"Ronald! Get your rat off of the poor girl's shoulder! I am so sorry, Harley, dear." Molly exclaimed waving an oven mitt at her youngest son. Ron obliged turning red causing the twins to snigger and Molly to swat them around the head. 

However, as Ron set Scabbers down on his lap, the rat dove onto Harley's leg and crept closer to her stomach. She stiffened once more and Bill reached down for it and stood up placing it into its small cage. He shook his head at his brother before returning to where he was sitting. "So how have you been, Charlie?" Asked Harley.

"Alright, I suppose. You haven't seen or heard from Nancy at all, have you?"

Harley felt for him. She really did. She didn't know how it felt to love someone like Charlie did who just disappeared into thin air. She shook her head solemnly, "Sorry mate. I haven't but if I do, I will let you know straight away after I tie her down so she can't leave."

Charlie snorted at her attempt at lightening his mood before flicking her kneecap. "Thanks, beater-boo."

She cringed, "Not that nickname again! That was awful when Quentin James kept calling me that. I am so glad he did not get onto the Quidditch team otherwise I would have had to suffer that even more."

"Well, you were the best beater we have ever had." Charlie shrugged. 

The twins gasped, "Hey! We are beaters for your information."

Harley grinned and high-fived the twins. "I like these two! They get my Quidditch style. There is no denying the best position on the team is a beater." 

"So not true, seekers are!" Charlie protested causing Ron, Bill and Ginny to join in the debate until dinner was ready. Much to Bill's delight, they were having chicken casserole. He grinned and dug in Harley and his family joining him. 

"Right it's official, Bill I am never cooking chicken casserole again, I feel ashamed, mine is nowhere near as good as your mums. You will have to ask her to cook it for you." Harley exclaimed in delight. 

Molly smiled, "Why thank you, Harley." She nodded, "But you cook for Bill?"

The girl nodded, "He can't cook so I cook and he pays me back by helping me wash the dishes and occasionally sort out anything to do with bats."

"That's lovely," Charlie teased, "Saves everyone from food poisoning."

Bill rolled his eyes and elbowed his brother who burst into laughter. "I mean he can cook bacon, toast and make a sandwich," Harley added. 

"And you are still alive?" Asked George. 

"Oh, haha," Bill commented. "So funny, nitweed."

Molly raised her eyes at her eldest son, "Now Bill, do you want me to get your baby photos from my bag?"

His eyes widened, "You brought them with you? I thought you were kidding last time!"His mother's eyes twinkled as she shook her head mischievously. "Mum!"

Harley snorted and linked her fingers with Bill's under the table giving his hand a squeeze. "I told you I would show them to Harley eventually. I said it last time during one of our tours."

"So you did, Molly, do you mind if I have a copy of some so that I can decorate the base with them? I am sure Roger, Asa and a few other workers especially the women such as Suzy would love to see them. Maybe Suzy would copy some of them and keep them to herself." 

Bill chewed the inside of his mouth as his girlfriend teased him. "Oh, of course, dear. I will give them to you tomorrow."Molly winked.

* * *

Bill placed the muffliato charm on Harley's room as she showered and changed in the bathroom having allowed Bill to go first. He was in his pyjama bottoms waiting on the other side of the door so that when it opened Harley wouldn't be able to see him and he would be able to catch her by surprise. It wasn't long and he heard the water shut off, her shuffle around the bathroom then say the charm so that her hair was dry and then she exited the room. "Bill?" She asked but shrieked as he snuck up behind her lifting her into the air and dropping her onto the bed so that he was straddling her. 

"What was that?" He asked. 

"What was what?" 

He smirked, "That at dinner. About the photos and Suzy? Huh, honey, what was it?"

Harley giggled and placed his hands on his waist. "I found it cute when you scowled. My own back for when you called me jealous. I was sure you would get that by me mentioning stupid Suzy."

Bill shook his head in disbelief before kissing her sweetly, the kiss lasted longer than usual and he trailed down to her neck peppering her skin. "I love it how well you get on with my family." He mumbled into the crook of her neck. "I love it so much."

"And I like your family a lot." She replied, rubbing his back causing him to suck in a breath. "What's wrong?"

Bill winced, "It hurts there like it's tight, I think I have strained it." 

Harley raised her brows and slipped out from beneath him causing his body to flop onto the bed. She instructed him to move further onto the bed as she sat on the back of his legs and rubbed his back where he said it hurt much like he did to her when her shoulders hurt. Bill sighed in joy as he felt the knot in his back loosen. "Thank you, Harls."

"Anytime, Will."

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