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Harley awoke the next day, her bones aching, and in an awkward position. She glanced at her surroundings to find herself on the floor instead of in her bed. Her head was pounding, and there was a stench of vomit wafting from her bin in her room. She groaned and clambered to her feet, her body wavering slightly as she made her way into her bathroom. Leaning over the sink she took in her appearance, her eyes were blotchy and red, her skin pale, her blonde hair sticking up in many different places, and to be frank she looked like utter shit. "I really shouldn't have done that." She murmured. From her bathroom she heard her front door open and shut and a familiar voice called out, "Harley?!" It was Bill. 

He muttered,"Maybe she is still asleep." The sound of footsteps filled her ears but she didn't move. It was like the way she was feeling was keeping her in that position-leaning over the sink, the door wide open. She heard him knock on her bedroom door but couldn't bring any words out of her mouth. 

Assuming that Harley was still asleep,he slowly pushed the bedroom door open to see the shit-hole of a bedroom, and the door to the bathroom open. He caught sight of the woman and instantly rushed to her side. "Harls? Is everything okay?" He worried as he held onto her waist. She shook her head just as more vomit cascaded from her lips. Bill's nose scrunched but he held her birds nest-sorry hair- out of her face and patted her back. "Have you been drinking?" He questioned. 

Truth be told, the woman had not tasted any alcohol besides butterbeer, which had minimal alcoholic substances in it. She vowed never to drink alcohol because of the way her parents turned out. She was just feeling nauseated. "No." She croaked out. Every so often she would get like this. "Can you go into the cupboard just over there and grab me the purple potion?" Bill nodded and did as he was asked. She took the vial and downed it, soon feeling better and as she did every day. 

"What just happened?"

"Simply nauseatic. That's all. Thank you for helping." Harley smiled. "I am fine now. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I was coming over to walk to work with you." Bill replied, shoving his hands in his pockets as Harley brushed her teeth and washed her face. 

She gazed at him through the mirror, "Why?"

"Because that's what we normally do?"

"But you hate me."

"I don't hate you, I never have. Why'd you think that?"Bill pondered. 

Harley sighed, "You yelled at me. Ignored me. Need I say more?"

"I'm sorry about that. I apologised yesterday about that. Did you really think I hated you?" The woman nodded and placed her toothbrush in the pot and wiped her face with a cloth before turning back to Bill. "Well I don't and never will. I was just annoyed that you didn't tell me about the stuff going on at Hogwarts. I understand why you did it and I'm sorry for yelling." He pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders and she slithered hers around the man's waist, her head resting in his chest. They stayed in that position for a little while before they pulled away. "If you leave the bathroom, I'll quickly shower, sort myself out and we'll go. I will take the fault for us being late." 

"No don't." Bill said feeling bad. 

"Shut it. I will because it is true and yeah, get your arse out of here Little Willy before I kick it." She shoved him from the room and closed the door. 

She heard him whisper from the other side of the door, "Kick my arse all you want, I enjoy it."

"Fuck off!" She cried throwing an empty shampoo bottle at the door, causing the man to chortle on the other side and sit on her bed waiting. It was a very quick shower and Harley climbed out wrapping her body in a towel and using a spell to dry her hair which was no longer a mess. Exiting the room, a towel covering her, she jumped when she saw Bill sat on her bed reading a book she left on her bedside table. "I thought you went downstairs!"

Bill looked up before quickly covering his eyes with the book, "No you said leave the bathroom!" He retorted. 

"Well did it not occur to you that I did not take any other clothes or underwear in with me?"

"Not really!"

The blonde sighed and waddled over to her drawers. "Just keep your eyes covered whilst I get my clothes and then when I am back in the bathroom you can look alright?"


Harley quickly grabbed a new bra and some knickers, before heading over to her wardrobe and collecting a spaghetti strap, red top and yellow-gold shorts before going back into the bathroom. Of course what she didn't know was that the ginger man had snuck a peak at her when she wasn't looking, and was focused on getting her clothes. What a little bugger Bill is!

Changing didn't take long and Harley exited the bathroom dressed, and she grabbed some red sandals. "Sporting some house pride, are we?" Bill smirked. 

"Of course." Harley grinned.. She went to grab her phone from her bedside table when Bill pulled her onto his lap. "What are you doing?" 

"I wanted a cuddle." He shrugged. 

"I swear that's all you want." She shook her head amused, "Mr Cuddle-Meister."

Bill pressed his head into the crook of her neck, "Is this a new nickname?" 

"If you want it to be." 

"Hmmm. . ."He thought, "Only in private." 

Harley nodded her head leaning back into his chest, his breath tickling her neck. "I'm glad we're good again."

"So am I." Bill sighed, his lips touching the skin on her neck as he pulled her even closer. "Do we have to go to work?" 

"Yeah, I am afraid." Harley groaned. "It's okay we have ten minutes, that'll give us five minutes to apparate so we are at least two minutes early. We don't have to walk today." 


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