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The two weeks that the Weasleys were staying after the first week went by quickly and soon it was back to work for Bill and Harley. Roger made sure that Harley was not the one to research about the Pollards anymore as he feared she would grow upset due to the deaths of her parents but he was wrong. Bill didn't pressure her into telling him anything at all but he did make sure to keep an eye on her to make sure that she was okay.

The man didn't like it at work when Roger paired him up with Suzy again. Asa was with Harley and of course, she was glaring at Suzy who kept flirting with Bill. Bill didn't make any move to flirt back instead he kept glancing at Harley winking at her and sneakily blowing her a kiss when nobody was looking. After a long day, the pair left the base hand in hand and strolled down the dirt path. "Harls you know you can tell me anything, remember that yeah?"

Harley stopped, "I know it's just... I'm scared to." She looked down, "I'm scared you won't understand or you'll just be disgusted and leave. Bill, you were my first friend, first boyfriend, I don't want to lose you."

Bill shook his head, "You won't lose me. Never in a million years. I mean that you don't have to be scared Harley," He said, "Do you want to tell me?"

The woman nodded, "Not here."

Bill understood and apparated back to Harley's house, she led him up to her bedroom and told him to sit down n her bed and wait. She left to go to the bathroom a towel in her hands. She tugged her hair up into a messy bun and stripped off her clothes leaving her in just a bra and knickers. She wrapped a towel around her nearly nude body and exited the bathroom with her wand in hand. Bill watched her in confusion as he saw tears well up in her eyes, glossing them over. "It's okay if you back out, love. Don't force yourself."

"No." She shook her head, "I have to do this."

The man respected her decision and waited for her to take her time. She slowly unwrapped the towel, dropping it to the floor. Bill was confused as to why she was standing in just her underwear, not that he was complaining much, he was simply confused. She still held her wand tightly and waved it in front of her body muttering a charm beneath her breath, her eyes not leaving Bills. It was like a cloth running over her body, her clear perfection slowly peeled and faded away leaving her as a painted canvas. Bill couldn't believe his eyes, she was scarred and bruise covered, but mostly she was broken.

He watched as she broke down, tears spilling down her cheeks like waterfalls, he was frozen on the spot. Harley was not bubbly and jubilant like she normally was instead she was small and fragile, in bits as her arms hugged her body. Bill snapped out from his shock, standing up and pulling the girl into his chest, she clung to him like a koala, begging him silently not to let go of her. "How did this happen?" Bill asked, his voice small and caring.

"My parents." Was all the woman could manage to croak out.

Bill's jaw clenched, "Your parents did this to you? I'll kill them."

That was when her knees gave out, Bill caught her and lifted her from the ground his arms beneath her legs and back, sitting down on the bed with her in his lap. "You can't."

"I can," Bill growled.

She shook her head, "No you can't, it's what Roger told me, they were murdered in May by the Pollards."

Bill didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say all he knew was that he had to hold her close, for she was more of a mystery than he thought. He couldn't believe that he had missed it every year at Hogwarts, he couldn't believe he missed it now. "Why? Why did they do this to you, though?"

"They were drunks."

"Harley... "Bill said and he kissed her head, rubbing her back gently, "DO you remember third year when you came to school with bruises and a black eye, did you really fall down the stairs? I asked you as quidditch practice." She shook her head, "I'm sorry, I wish I knew, you wouldn't have been there over the holidays, mum would have demanded you stay with us."

"Don't, you wouldn't have been able to do anything, I wasn't even allowed to see Remus or Lyall since I was about eight. But thank you for being there, Bill." She whispered.

"You don't have to thank me, Harls, I would do anything for you. Anything." He kissed her lips and rocked her as he held her close. They stayed in silence just the sounds of their heartbeats beating as one and eventually Harley fell asleep. Bill carefully laid her down in bed and covered her over, kissing her forehead and exiting the room.

He searched her cupboards for potions to use to heal her wounds and he couldn't find anything. Thankfully he knew he had some due to his mother making sure he had a large stock of them just in case of emergencies. He ran to his house and brought the whole box with him and rifled through them at Harleys. He found the correct ones, one that would heal bruises, one that would heal scars and cuts.

Bill made his way back into the bedroom and slowly pulled the duvet from her body and dabbed the specific potions on her body, fortunately, she didn't wake. He healed all of them that he could but some scars stayed, the larger and older ones, others faded but didn't fully disappear unlike others. All of her bruises were gone and her complexion was nearly as clear as it is when she used the charms. He covered her back over and returned to the kitchen taking the used cotton balls and threw them in the bin.

He also went over to the cupboards and looked for something to cook. He also looked in the fridge and found all of the ingredients for spaghetti bolognese. Bill also came across a home-made recipe book covered in Harley's handwriting. He flicked through and luckily found the recipe, he followed each step to cook the mince and sauce leaving that to cook just as Harley awoke to the smell.

Harley looked in the mirror to see her nearly clear body and pulled a top and shorts on in confusion. She also wrapped a blanket around herself and trudged downstairs to the kitchen seeing Bill stirring the meat and sauce the spaghetti in a saucepan ready to start cooking. Sneaking up behind him she wrapped her arms around him reaching on her tiptoes and resting her head on his shoulder. "What happened to my-you know?" She asked.

"I healed them using some potion my mum made me have."

"Thank you." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Anytime, my gorgeous one."

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