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"Queso." Said Bill as read over the recipe book on the counter that now had some flour dusting over it. Actually, most of the kitchen has flour every where. He ran a hand through his tangled hair that had grew in the humidity of the very hot day. "How do you fold flour?" He asked himself.

Taking a wooden spoon in his hand he began to stir the flour, sugar and egg mix, not folding it at all. "Queso." He repeated glancing at the recipe again.

"Cheese?" Harley asked him as she dropped her keys on the coffee table. "What on earth?" She stopped in her tracks at the sight of the kitchen and Bill-covered in flour, egg and other such items.

"What do you mean, cheese?" Bill asked her.

"You said queso, that's cheese in Spanish."

"No, I said, 'kay so, anyway what are you doing home early?" Bill leaned down and kissed his girlfriend who was busy getting herself a glass of water.

"I finished up early?" Harley replied, "how is it you've only got so far and yet this whole kitchen, and you, are a mess?" She pointed at the book.

"If you look in the, usually empty, cupboard you'll know why." Bill smirked as he added more ingredients to the mixture.

"You've been baking. A lot." Harley smiled taking in all of the pastries and cakes already made and hidden in the cupboard.

"It was meant to be a surprise, this is the last one Is was going to bake, but you ruined it." He pouted.

Harley dipped her water, shutting the cupboard again, turning back to Bill, "Aw, I'm sorry. If it's any constellation, I'm about to go shower and things so it still will be sort of a surprise."

"I guess. Have fun."

"Have fun showering? I don't think that's possible." Harley laughed heading towards the stairs.

Bill winked at her over his shoulder, "I'll have to show you sometime how it can be fun."

Harley shook her head at his dirty suggestion and ran off up the stairs leaving Bill to his baking. The man sighed. He only hoped all do this was actually edible and tasted good, otherwise his day would have been wasted and so would have the ingredients that they would have to go out and buy more of. In fact they needed to do a grocery shop soon, they were running low on food.

After placing the completed mixture into a round cake tin, and putting it into the oven, Bill left to go get cleaned up, charming the kitchen to clean itself.

He could hear the shower in the bathroom attached to their bedroom still running as he entered in the bedroom to get some new clothes to change into. Exiting, he went to the other bathroom that was located next to the guest bedroom.

After, both Harley and Bill, were cleaned up and changed the cake was ready for Bill to get out of the oven. Harley sat in the garden listening to music and basking in the sunlight, which Bill could see from the kitchen window.

A smile grazed his face as the cake come out successfully and he left it to cool. He made the vanilla and chocolate icing and left that to the side ready to use when the cake was fully cooled. He leaned on the kitchen counter and admired Harley from the window.

It reminded him of when he peeped through the fence when he lived next door and was in the garden hearing her sing some muggle songs.

He laughed at the memory, his eyes fixated on Harley who let the sun beat down on her skin. Sunglasses sat on her nose as she read her book and hummed along.

She's so gorgeous. He thought. Bill sighed like a love sick girl and leaned his chin in his palm. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Harley and he knew his cheeks were rosying up as a few other thoughts entered his head.

Slapping himself in the face, Bill turned back to the cake and the icing that sat in a bowl. He lifted up a spatula cover in the icing and plopped it onto the now cool cake and spread it around. It wasn't pretty. But it still looked rather delicious. Icing covered his hands as he placed chocolate buttons on the top  in a heart shape with a 'H' in the centre of it. 

He began to lick the icing off of his fingers when Harley entered the house once more and eyes him in amusement. "You've just showered and you're a mess again!"

"I can't help it!" Bill retorted his finger still in his mouth. "Do you want some?" He stretched a few of his finger towards her.

"I'm alright thanks." She laughed setting her book and sunglasses on the table.

Harley walked passed him and helped put the dirty bowls and utensils in the sink to wash themselves. "It looks amazing." She gushed seeing the cake.

"Donlehetlokliettershut." Bill replied still licking his fingers to get rid of the icing.


He took his finger out of his mouth and repeated what he said, "don't lie, it looks like utter shite."

Harley took a tissue and wiped Bill's saliva covered fingers and put the tissue in the bin, and took his hands to the sink, washing them for him and drying them with a towel. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his face towards her, "it doesn't. It's whether it tastes shite that matters." She whispered as her breath fanned his lips.

"I hope it doesn't. We also need to go grocery shopping. We're nearly out of food." He mumbled his eyes fixated on her lips.

"Later." She pressed her lips against his roughly, pushing him so that his back came into constancy with the counter the other side of the kitchen. Her fingers tangled in his hair that he had used a charm to dry, she tugged slightly as his hands pressed her waist to his.

Bill nipped at her bottom lip but she pulled back slightly confused. "What was that for? Are you a vampire or something?"

Bill blushed, "I...I was asking for...entrance."

"To what?! My blood supply?!" Harley exclaimed rubbing her lip.

The man scratched the back of his head, "No to...I was asking to...snog."

"Like tongue and stuff?"

"Yeah..." Bill blushed heavily.

Harley scrunched nose up, "but that's disgusting."

Bill frowned, "Sorry..."

Harley mentally face palmed, "I want calling you disgusting, just the idea of our tongues..." She shuddered, "you know...seems kinda...ew."

"It's fine."

Harley sighed as Bill left the kitchen and went upstairs. The woman sighed and dropped to the floor of the kitchen. What had she done?

Hidden Secrets {Bill Weasley} Where stories live. Discover now