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Instead of returning home, Harley disapparated to England and practically burst in on Lyall, who, fortunately, had Remus with him. The pair looked at her in shock and her whole body shook, not from sadness, but from anger. Her teeth were gritted and her hands balled into fists."Harley, what's up sweetheart?" Asked Remus standing up to hug her. 

Her eyes closed and opened again repeatedly, slower than the usual blinks, "They died in may."

"Who?" Lyall questioned, looking at his niece in concern. "Harley, who?"

"Mother and Father."

* * *

Bill sat up in bed waiting for Harley to return from Rogers, or that's where he presumed her to be, but when he heard the familiar crack of apparition sounding outside of the home and the door opening and shutting, he knew she had been somewhere else. He had already placed the 'muffliato' charm on the room so that he and Harley could talk and not have to worry about his siblings hearing, which was a good thing for what she was about to reveal to him. She entered the bedroom and tore her pyjamas off of the chest of draws and stormed into the bathroom. 

The blonde believed that a shower might calm her down but clearly, that was not the case. After she had finished and changed she entered the bedroom and fell into the bed, her face like a slapped arse. "You okay?" Asked Bill, "I take it what Roger said isn't great."

"Oh, it's fucking marvellous," Harley retorted, a sarcastic tone lacing her words, "So fucking brilliant that I am jumping with glee."


She sighed and tugged at her hair just as Bill pulled her small body to his side and rubbed her back. "I'm sorry, it's just everything has come as a shock, that's all."

"Do you want to talk about it? It's perfectly fine if you don't?"Harley cuddled into Bill further and once again sighed, chewing her lip as she pondered whether it was worth bothering her boyfriend whilst his family were here on holiday. She shook her head and let her lips curl to show him that it was okay. "When and if you want to, just do it. If it has come as a shock, then I don't blame you for wanting to keep it cooped up for a bit, let yourself get your head around it all."

The woman played with Bill's shirt buttons for a while whilst her fumbled with strands of her hair and peppering her forehead with kisses every so often. harley tugged and twisted the buttons before reaching up to the top one. "Why are you wearing a shirt? You don't normally."

Bill chuckled and dropped her hair, sliding her hands off of his buttons and lacing his fingers with hers. "Because I fancied wearing a shirt to bed for once, is my body to irresistible that you want it off?"

Harley hummed, "Kinda, "She reached up for his buttons again as she hauled her body to straddle his, "Please take it off." The woman was not sure if it was her mind/body's way of coping with everything. Just because her parents were not parents to her, doesn't mean that what she had been told didn't bother her. It was a strange feeling, caring about her parents, but at the same time, she didn't care much at all. Don't call her heartless or cruel but it just came to her like that. The feeling she felt caused her to act in this way, a way in which she couldn't help herself when she was with her gorgeous boyfriend. 

Bill raised a brow a smirk rising from his face and his hands travelling to her waist. Harley's lip poked out slightly in a pout and her eyes were large and puppy-like. "I don't think so." He teased and rubbed her hips. "I want to keep it on."

"But why?" She asked her tone much the same as a whine. "I like it off."

"And so would I if I was dating myself, but it's not going to happen."

"Will... "

"Harley... "He mocked, "I don't want to take it off."

Harley looked down at him and pressed her lips to his, her eyes fluttering shut as his copied, the kiss was heated so heated that the woman's lips left Bill's, and travelled down to his jaw and then his neck. She didn't know what she was doing, she hadn't done anything like this previously, but it felt oh-so-right. 

Bill fiddled with the hem of Harley's top and tugged it up lightly letting his hands run across her bare hips, his touch was like a drug that she was addicted to, and she wanted more. Yet, it wasn't just his touch, it was him. Bill is Harley's drug, and she is the addict, begging him for more, begging him non-verbally for a high.  

Her slender fingers eventually tore up his shirt and she tugged it off. Her eyes fluttered open and her lips left his neck, with a red mark in the crook, instead, they travelled to his chest then to his stomach. 

Harley let out a guffaw.

The sensual mood faded and Harley giggled at Bill's body. Bill blushed as she traced her fingers across it, yet his hands remained in place. "What?...How?...Why?" 

Bill cringed, "It was the twins, I fell asleep not long after dinner, and well this happened."

"Great," Harley concluded. "I mean, their drawings skills aren't bad."

"Oh shut it you!" Bill cried, "I want to kill them, they used a permanent marker, I can't wash it off."

Harley stared at him in disbelief, "You are a bloody wizard, surely you know the spell to get rid of it, you dunce!"

"I haven't got an encyclopedia of spells lodged in my brain, love, if I knew it, I'd have used it and we'd be in a different position right now, a far better one." His voice lowered and his tone grew huskier. Harley snorted and took her wand off the bedside table. "Please get rid of it."

"No, I think I might let it stay for a while longer, is it true what it says though? Do you really have a knob the size of a toe? And that the drawing is to scale?"Harley added. 

"That's for you to find out for yourself, but I can assure you it's not." Bill winked, "Now get rid of it."

Harley muttered the spell and placed her wand back on the bedside table just as Bill trailed his hand against her hips once more. "The mood's kind of dead now isn't it?" She said, Bill, nodded, "Maybe next time, eh? Let's get some sleep." She climbed off of Bill and laid down next to him flicking the lamp off.

"Are you are you are okay? You seem better now."

"I guess I have a great distraction."

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