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In the middle of the night, Bill awoke having fallen onto the floor when rolling over. His limbs were tangled between the duvet and his hair tousled. His eyes opened slowly, but his vision remained blurry, he couldn't remember where he was. The place looked familiar but being half asleep and a lovely smell filling his nose, he was very confused. Harley woke up with a start, she heard the bang and instantly was alerted, she grabbed her dressing gown and tied it around her body so that none of her arms were showing, having worn pajama trousers tonight, and she clasped her wand and descended the stairs. "Who's there?" She asked, her wand poised and ready. 

"Just me." Groaned Bill from the floor. "I'm sorry if I woke you up and I am sorry that I fell asleep."

The woman sighed in relief and lowered her wand going around to sit on the floor of her living room next to a groggy Bill, "It's okay. Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine, I must have rolled over too far. I really didn't mean to wake you." Bill mumbled wrapping an arm around her in an apologetic hug. They pulled away from each other and Harley helped the man back up onto the sofa and wished him a good night before heading back up to bed. Once he heard her bedroom door shut he thought aloud, "Fuck she is too nice to me and I am a fucking potato with red hair. I need to pay her back somehow." The man laid awake for the rest of the night thinking up ways to pay her back and so far he could not come up with anything he thought was good enough for her. Coming to think of it, he really didn't know much about her. He generally laid thing out on a plate when it came to his life, he was like an open book, that and his parents told her things, but she was like a book from the restricted section in the library. Only open to those with permission. Of course who knew a few things but not much compared to what she knew about him. 

When Harley emerged the next morning fully dressed and awake, Bill sat up and stretched. "Morning Will." She greeted putting some toast in the toaster. "Toast?"

"Please." The man replied and flicked his wand at the bedding he used in the night. They were soon cleaned and disappeared to wherever they were kept. "Hey, Harls? Do your parents ever visit?" He asked, maybe then he could find out more about her. 

She tensed up at the mention of her parents, but this went unnoticed by the Weasley. She played it off cool, anyhow. "No, they're extremely busy." 

"Too busy to make time for their daughter?" 

Harley nodded, "Yup. I don't fit into their schedules, and haven't done for years."

Bill's heart went out to the girl and suddenly he wished he hadn't have brought it up, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked." 

Harley shook her head handing the boy his untopped toast and motioned for him to help himself to any spreads. "Don't be, I'm used to it."She waved him off whilst lavering her cooked bread with chocolate spread. "Anywho, I got a call from Roger whilst I was getting ready, we've got to go with some others, including Asa and Roger, to an abandoned house to find some possessions that now belong to Gringotts, that the goblins want back. Some sort of goblin silver or something, I dunno we'll find out when we get there, I suppose."

"Alright." Bill nodded and Harley laughed, "What's so funny?"

"I just have never got over the fact that despite Roger being our boss, well supervisor, we are being told to do things by goblin's." 

"I really don't understand you most of the time, woman." Bil snorted.

"I don't either, funny that, init?" Harley sat down at the table opposite Bill who still needed to get ready. 

"Please do not say that again, you sound like a chav." 

Harley looked at him offended, "Maybe I am a chav, see Imma swag-man-bro-init famalam-peng ting-bruv-init?" 

"Just stop!"

"Am I annoying you little Willy?"Harley smirked. 

"Yes." Bill replied as he finished his breakfast and sent his plates to get washed and dried using magic, "Now I am going home to change."

* * *

Turning up at the derelict house, Bill and Harley joined Asa and Roger who stood outside of the door, with other curse-breakers behind them. The house looked as if it hadn't been used in years and even from the outside it smelt like death. Harley's nose scrunched up and entered behind Roger and Asa, Bill following behind her. "Ew, that's disgusting! Is that a dead body"? She cried looking over at a body shape with flies buzzing over it. 

Roger gulped in distaste, "I believe it is. And I for one am not dealing with a rotting corpse, TERRENCE! SIMONE! You are to deal with the body, everyone else split up and any goblin silver, gold or items you find collect them so we can give 'em back to the Goblins." The two curse-breakers, Terrence and Simone, nodded and got ready to deal with the corpse and everybody else searched the house. Roger, Asa, Bill, and Harley were in charge of the upstairs whilst the others remained downstairs all in search for goblin-made items. 

Harley entered what she believed to be the master bedroom and gagged before stepping out of the room. She gagged and gagged and tried to stop herself from throwing up but that deemed a hard task as she kept on gaging. "Harley you alright, sweetheart?"Called Roger from down the hall. 

She shook her head and managed to choke out some words, "Another dead body, on the bed. Looks worse than the other one." Roger nodded and called for some more curse-breakers to remove this other corpse before the woman could search the room. Upon entering she could still smell the rotting flesh but it was not as prominent, she collected many artficacts and placed the in a bag she had with her. It wasn't until she came across a large vase that seh exclaimed, "Bloody hell!" Alerting the other three who were on the same floor as her. 

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