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Bill and Harley were finally out of bed and dressed as the clock reached one in the afternoon. The two were trying to figure out what they would do when Bill suddenly burst out and said, "I want a piercing."

Harley spun on her heel nearly spilling her coffee over herself and eyed the man curiously, "What?"

"I want to get my ear pierced?"Bill shrugged. 

"Okay?" Harley replied, "Do you want it done now?" 

Bill nodded, "Alright. Where do we go though?"

"To a piercing place, duh." Harley chugged the last of her nearly cold coffee and grabbed her bag from the kitchen side. 

Bill rolled his eyes, "I know that! But where is the nearest one?"

"I dunno, I think I remember seeing one in the closest Muggle town so we could try there." 

Bill nodded and he grabbed his wallet and placed his wand in his pocket, Harley putting hers in her boot. Strangely she was wearing a pair of light wash, blue skinny jeans, a white corset style top and black, knee high, heeled boots. Her hair was down in her natural waves. Bill wore a plain white button up shirt, a dragon skin jacket, some black jeans and combat boots. his hair was left down too and he had a small ring on his thumb, just like Harley who wore a ring on both of her thumbs, and a necklace she found at the bottom of her underwear drawer-weirdly. 

The two linked hands so that Harley could side-on apparate the two to the Muggle town as Bill didn't know where it was. Once they landed they unhooked their hands and they roamed the town in search for a place that does piercings. "Are you getting one done?"Bill asked Harley. 

"Oh, Will! I have three piercings already! How did you not see?"

"Where?" He exclaimed. The woman pulled her long blonde hair out of the way of her ears to reveal her lobes pierced with black studs and her helix pierced on her right ear with a ring in it. "That's technically two!"

"Yeah because I have nose pierced but I took it out because it bugged me, and felt uncomfortable when I sneezed." 

"Then why'd you get it done?" 

"I dunno, I was bored and just thought it looked cool. I mean it could have been worse I could have got my tongue done but I was scared I would tear it if I did." Harley replied, leading Bill down a street. "Anyway, what are you getting done then?"

Bill thought for a moment, "I think I'll get my right lobe done." Harley nodded and her face lit up once she spotted the tattoo and piercing place. They entered and she waited for Bill to get it done. It was long before he was paying and they exited the shop. 

"It suits you, you know,"

"Thanks, I like it. To be honest Harls, I thought it was going to hurt but it didn't, thanks for showing me what money I would have to pay with, if you didn't I think I would be still in there. I mean I know the basic currency and stuff but it does confuse me still."Bill smiled. 

"Don't mention it, Muggles can be confusing like I am still confused what the hell a Donald Trump is? Or what a Drake is. I think they are people but I dunno, I only know a bout of Muggle stuff, I can just about use a goddamn phone." The pair spent the rest of the day enjoying themselves in the Muggle town and then retired back home

* * * 

The next day Bill had another day off but Harley was at work. He decided to apparate over to England to see his mum and dad. Molly was very happy to see her eldest son, and instantly made some tea for them to drink and plated up some biscuits for them to eat. Arthur was busy at work, so he wasn't around. "So how is Hogwarts?" Bill questioned his mother. 

"there are threats that it will close, poor Ginny, all of this happening in her first year it is awful. Then there's Ron, and Harry whose best friend has been petrified, there are also rumors that it is Harry causing all of this, although I think it's utter nonsense, the boy didn't know what magic was until he got his Hogwarts letter how would he be able to use such dark magic! Fred and George are trying to keep everyone happy using their usual antics but it's hard as Oliver Wood has them and Harry along with the rest of the team training very hard. Percy is keeping up with his studies and prefect duties as he always does.I just hope Gilderoy Lockhart sorts out all of this dark arts stuff out." Molly cried.

"Oh mum, you and your crush on Lockhart." Bill chuckled but was swatted on the arm by his mother. "I'm joking, mum. I 'm sure everything will be just fine and if anything else happens I'm sure if Dumbledore sends him an owl, Charlie will take some dragons over there and sort the person doing all of this with the use of his dragons." 

"Please don't bring your other brother into this, and dragons. Heaven for bid, I can't have all of you in danger. Charlie deals with danger every day along with you and your curse-breaking, and with the things going on at Hogwarts, it'll cause me a heart attack before long." 

Bill brought his mother into a hug, "I'm sure everything will work out just fine." 

Molly sniffed, "Yes, I am sure you are right, dear. Talking about working out fine, how is everything with you and Harley?"

"We're alright now, mum." Bill smiled. 

"Oh good. She is a lovely girl and I don't wish for your friendship to fall due to me asking her to keep something from you. I know I shouldn't have but I know you are very protective over your siblings and I didn't want you to worry too much."

"I know, mum, I know. Harley and I talked and we are as good as ever. We had a day off yesterday and roamed a Muggle town for a few hours but she had to work today whilst Roger gave me the day off so I thought I would pay you a visit."

"Well, it is lovely to see you, Bill." Molly said, "I do still worry for you, even though you are an adult I worry about all of you, especially you and Charlie as you are not at Hogwarts. When you were at school I knew where you were, in a sense but now you are working you could be in New Zealand tomorrow and I wouldn't know. It's so scary having you all grown up and not bundles in my arms anymore. It makes me feel so old." 

"You're not old mum. Not yet anyway."

"Hey!" Molly exclaimed giggling swatting her son, "I can still ground you, you know You may not be living under my roof but you are still my baby boy." 

"Please don't repeat that in front of anyone." Bill pleaded, his face heating up. 

"Oh Bill, as if I would do such a thing." Molly jested, "Especially not in front of Harley."

"Mum! I told you nothing is going on between us, we are just best friends." 

"You say that now William, but a mother knows her son better than her son knows himself."

"You can't tell the twins apart half of the time."

"Oh shush! When are you getting your hair cut?"Molly waved him off, changing the subject.

Bill rolled his eyes, "I like my hair this length!"

"I'm sure Harley would prefer it if her boyfriend's hair was shorter!"Molly smirked.

"She enjoys braiding it actually-wait she isn't my girlfriend nor am I her boy friend!"

"For now."

A/n- Harley's outfit>>

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