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Despite not having seen Harley for months and the attack on his father, Bill could sense that Harley still was not okay she was just trying to hide it. If he was honest, losing their baby still pained him as well.

It was late at night and Harley was cuddled up close to her boyfriend, her head and hands laying on his chest, her face nuzzling further into him. Bill rubbed her back gently, his other fingers twirling her long blonde hair. The pair of them knew that they should be sleeping, especially as Bill had work the next morning but they didn't want to stop their moment.

Harley lifted her leg laying it across Bill's body, adjusting herself so that she was laying fully on top of him. She peppered his chest with tender kisses not caring that he was watching her with a puzzled face.

Bill wasn't complaining. He had missed Harley deeply and was counting down the days until he could see her and despite his father's condition he was glad to have her back, it was strange to live alone again, that and his cooking was no match on hers. He was still horrendous and spent most nights with takeaway or at his parents'.

"Not that I want you to stop, Harls, but are you alright there?" He chuckled, rubbing her back gently.

Harley's topped her eyes meeting his, "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, darling, ever so much. Have you been alright? Coping?" Replied bill bringing the duvet up to cover them a bit more so that they were nice and snug.

Harley nodded her head- a lie.

"Please don't lie to me, Harls, I've had letters between Dylan and Asa. They may be gay but they told me straight about how you have been. That you cry all the time, that you aren't the same."

Harley sighed, "it's not been easy. Of course it hasn't. Everything just doesn't feel right, as if something is missing. And I don't just mean you not being in Egypt, it's like something is wrong with me. Bill, we've spoken many of times about having kids. What if this means we can never have kids? We both want a child but what if we can't? Bill, what would that do to us?"

"Harley, we have had one miscarriage. Women all over the world have miscarriages, a few of them at that, then have a lot of kids. Mum had one. Yes, she told me about it after you had yours and look what happened! She had seven of us nutters! And as for something happening to us, if it turns out we are never able to have kids, it won't be the end of the world of us. We have other options. Adoption. Fostering. Dogs. Cats. Dragons. Hippogriffs. Slugs. Any animal you can think of. I love you that's all that matters."


"That's a bit rude!"

Harley giggled, "no! As pig! Pigs are adorable!"

Bill looked at her bemused, "you think pigs are cute? Harley, we cant adopt Ron, he's my brother!"

Harley shook her head with laughter, "You're horrible!"

Bill smirked and kissed the entirety of her face making her laugh much, much more. She hadn't laughed this much in a while and she was half it was Bill that made her do so. He truly was the light of her life.

"God, can you two shut up! People are trying to sleep in here! If you want to fondle, go back to your own place William!"

"Charlie shut your gob! I don't think Nancy enjoys your annoying voice in her ear and Tonks looks ready to kill you." Bill snapped at his brother who laid with Nancy in his arms in the bed opposite them, Tonks in the bed on the other side of them. Bill and Harley both believed that the others were asleep; clearly not.

Charlie sighed and Bill could hear Nancy giggle softly, the sound muffled by Charlie's chest. Harley also giggled which made Bill pout at her.

A yawn slipped Harley's lips and she cuddled into Bill, laying beside him, curling up into his side. "Are you tired?" Bill asked her as she closed her eyes.

"Yes I bloody am! Shut up William!"

"No one asked you Charlie!"

"Both of you shut your mouths before I make you!" Tonks grumbled, her hair morphing to a deep red.

Nancy nodded her head, "You're like little kids!"

"That's because they are." Said Harley, joining in, sitting up and glaring at Charlie.

"What is this, women versus men?" Asked Charlie. "Because if it is. You cannot assume my gender thank you very much."

"Merlin's beard Charlie, just shut it!" Nancy hit him with a pillow.

Bill guffawed at his brother. Harley pressed a pillow to his face. "Awake bad. Sleep good." She told him. Laying back down and shutting her eyes once more.

"Listen to your girl," Tonks said towards Bill, otherwise both of you will be out of this room."

Then men complied. Everyone settled down ready to sleep, or in Harley's case, she was already asleep. Bill smiled down at her, having missed this, his human teddy bear and pillow.

"Goodnight, darling," whispered Bill.

Tonks grumbled standing up and marching over to Bill. Taking him by his ear she dragged him from the bed, towards the door and kicked him (literally) our of the room. She then marched over to Charlie and did the same to him.

"What did I do?!" He cried.

"You breathed!"

A/n- I don't know how this chapter happened. I'm not doing P.E so I decided to write. Have fun ma doods x

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