1. The Argue

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"We don't need more! We already have everything we need! I'm not attending that competition just to get involved with the higher nobles!" I screamed at my dad.

I know he wanted the best for me but sometimes he overreacts big-time. "Not only high nobles my son! Maybe even the royals! Don't you understand what a chance this is, our whole lives can change to the better!" he said exited, I stared at him in disbelief.

"We don't need better we already have what we need and it's easy to get what else want we don't need to do this" I told him.

He's insane. We already have money and power, in fact we have more than we need and now he wants even more?

"This discussion is done, you're attending the competition and that's it!" he yelled at me, he stood up from the chair for emphasis and I stared at him from the other side of the desk.

When he is like this, he will never bend because none he has decided this is the beat we could do.

He rounded the desk and laid his hands on my shoulders. He sighed "My son, I'm only doing what's best for you and this competition is a big upgrade. Maybe we can even find you a decent wife" he told me and I yelled back.

"Dad!" I yelled at him. "I have already told you I don't want to marry yet. I told you I wanted to wait for my mate" I said and he sighed.

"Son, maybe your mate can't give you what you need. You need to find yourself a wife that can give you what you need and if your mate is a poor villager she won't be able to do that" he told me and I was just about to object when he continued.

"You can't wait for the girl that may or may not be able to take care of you, you need to find a respectable lady" he said.

I opened my mouth to protest but he held up a finger to silence me "I don't want any objections and we will not talk further about this. You will attend the competition and you will marry a proper lady, end of discussion" he told me firmly and I angrily stomped out of his workroom.

He doesn't understand, he never gives me chance to talk and explain. He don't listen to me anymore, he decides everything and thinks I won't object to anything when he tells me what he has decided.

 He don't listen to me anymore, he decides everything and thinks I won't object to anything when he tells me what he has decided

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Opening the gate to the yard I whistled a tune lowly to let the wolves now I was here.

A bark was heard and Kaden came running to me, he sat down in front of me and I scratched his ear.

"Hey boy, where's Sheila?" I asked him and he shot up from his place and began running to the cages.

I followed him and when we arrived I saw Sheila laying on the ground outside the cages, she was sleeping.

Kaden muzzled her neck and sat down beside her. I smiled at the pair and knelt beside them, her ears perked up and she opened her eyes to look at me.

My hand brazed her stomach and I could feel the bump there, they were having puppies and I hoped they would survive but I knew it was a big risk they wouldn't make it.

Kaden wagged his tail and licked my cheek making me laugh and pet his head.

The wolves understands me like no other do and they can always make me feel better.

I hope dad would let me take them with me to the competition, it wouldn't start until next month but traditionally it was a ball the week before the trainings and competition began.

The journey to the castle were the competition was to be held took it's time too, I hope Sheila gets her cubs before we begin the travel or after we had arrived, then she wouldn't be so at risk.

Stroking Sheilas stark white fur I let myself get loose in my thoughts. Competitors from all The Ten Kingdoms was participating in this event and most of them train their whole lifes just to get a good result and become one of the big amongst the high nobles.

However this year occasion probably would be different as the prince and sole heir too the throne was marriageable.

The Kingdom often looked for the strongest person to marry of to their royals and it was often decided by who won in the competition.

In the competition it was males against males and females against females so it wasn't hard for then to decide the proper lady for the prince.

It would probably be a lot of ladies trying to snatch the crown they wouldn't think to much about who they were marrying only the power they gained by it.

I'm lucky the heir wasn't born a girl and I was competing about her hand, I can't imagine what my dad would do in that case because then I would never attend the competition.

I wanted to wait for my mate, I wanted to at least meet her, see her, whoever she was.

A mate was said to be made for you and you would love each other unconditionally. I wanted to know how it felt, how true love felt like. Because that was what was said about mates, true love a bond that could never be broken.

Kaden licked my hand an I smiled sadly at him, when my dad had cooled down I would ask about taking the wolves with me.

Would the royal family allow that? Would he allow that?

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