20. The Wolves Birth

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Six days, it had been six days of training and the captain hadn't been late on any of them.

She seemed like the kind of person who liked to be a couple of minutes early.

So where were she?

This was probably the first time the captain had ever been late. Everyone was waiting for our trainer to appear and begin the lesson but she hadn't shoved up yet.

Everyone, even the guards and the spectators seemed confused. Had something happened? Wouldn't we have been told?

Suddenly the doors burst open and she hurried in, there she is. 12 minutes late.

She scanned the crowd and her eyes locked on me "Jasper I think you should go, your wolves is howling you're free from the training today" she said as she hurried to the middle off the room.

I stared at her for some seconds. Free from the training? Because my wolves were howling? Wait they were howling?

It's time. Without a second thought I hurried about of the room and ran up the stairs to find my room.

Footsteps padded after me as my guards followed me as I raced down the corridor.

I almost ran to far, right past my rooms but I turned and almost slammed into the doors as I pushed them open. Trying to find the handles.

I gripped the handles and pushed, the howling in the room intensified as it weren't muffled by thick walls anymore.

The doors closed behind me and I hurried to the snow white wolf lying on the floor.

Kaden sat worriedly by her side, he nuzzled her to see if she reacted. I quickly looked her over and found out that it really was time.

The cubs were coming. Hurrying around the room I collected the things I needed to help her, hopefully they would survive but sometimes animals just didn't survive their birth.

Finally, when I thought I had everything I needed I settled down by her side. She would need to do most of this by herself.

I hadn't really done something like this before so I wasn't to sure about what to do and figured I was best if I didn't interfere if it wasn't necessary.


I was restless at the training today. Waking up today hadn't been pleasant. A feeling of restlessness had consumed me and I hadn't known what it was before the wolves began howling.

As I had seen the white wolfs big stomach I figured out it was time now and I had felt the wolves being restless too.

I had gotten late to the training as I had got lost in my thoughts, I had a connection to the wolves. We could feel each other. I hadn't come back to reality until a confused and uncertain guard had knocked at my door to see if I were alright.

Hurrying to change clothes the guards  had told me as I ran down corridors and stairs about the howling and I had figured Jasper probably wanted to know, to be there.

Now he weren't at the training and I felt weird, I wanted to see him. I don't know why but it felt like I missed him although we had seen each other just an hour ago and u didn't really know him at all.

The thing is, I wanted to know him. I wanted to know who he was and what he liked and disliked. I wanted to just hear his voice and see him smile.

It was wrong, I shouldn't think like this. I was a dancer to everyone, no one should come near me but I couldn't get him out of my head. I kept trying to make up excuses too meet him but discarded one silly plan after another.

Unfortunately I had a plan that could actually work and no excuse to not do it so I couldn't back off now. Even if it was wrong I couldn't find myself to discard the idea.

Normally I loved training, I trained these utterly stupid people and I had training with my own guards but I couldn't find it in me to like it without Jasper here.

The guards admired me, at my age it was was impressive a girl like me had gotten to this position. I often got compliments about my intelligence and strength.

Though no guards said it so I could hear I knew they whispered about how good-looking they thought I were, the nobles were less discreet about what they thought about my looks and told me right upside down they thought I were beautiful.

No man had caught my attention before and I had no idea why Jasper had managed to do that without even trying.

Why couldn't I get him out of my head?


Exhausted I dropped into the couch and sank into the big cushioned material.

Only two of Sheilas six puppies had survived and I didn't know if they would survive the night.

Kaden laid slumped at Sheilas side and the two dark grey cubs had crept up to Sheilas stomach were they laid curled beside her.

The floor were bloody along with the once white cloth I had placed under Sheila in an attempt to at least keep the floor a bit clean.

Aside from the little ones I were awake together with the now parents. We quietly grieved the loss of the wolves we would never learn to know. We could only hope the two other would survive.

It was past dinner so the training were done, servants had placed food on my table and left in a hurry when they saw the situation. The now cols food was still untouched and tough I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast I weren't hungry.

I should probably take a bath and change from my know slightly blood covered and dirty clothes, it wasn't that bad but it smelt awful.

Fighting the couch I finally got up and made my way to the door. The guards outside looked surprised, I hadn't showed myself in awhile.

They nodded when I asked them to get a servant to prepare a bath for me and I closed the door on them without another word. So tired.

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