47. The Accusation

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The kings face is stone cold. He stares at Ruby with a hard glare and I swallow uneasily.

He isn't even looking at me but I'm still scared out of my pants.

"Captain Ruby Lowell and Jasper Hamill?" his clear voice bellows out into the deathly quiet room.

What do I do know? Answer him? Sweat begins too trickle down my neck, why does everyone have too stare at me? I really don't like to be the center of people's focus, I hate this.

"Yes my king" Ruby answers him without hesitation. Her voice strong and clear in the room.

"Yes my king" I answer right after with a shaking voice. Cursing at myself for being so scared so my voice didn't even hold. How could Ruby be so secure in a moment like this?

"You have been accused, responsible for the deaths that occured in the evening yesterday. Is this the truth?" the king asks and I begin shaking.

Who accused us? How could he know? What am I supposed to do? They think I was participating just because I spent more time with the Captain than I should.

Before I can answer Ruby replies with a question if her own.

"Who is accusing us and on what grounds? I would be utterly humiliated if these thoughts isn't based on any evidence or fact but only suspicion" she says, sounds reasonable, she didn't admit anything but she didn't deny it either.

I didn't dare look up from the floor but instead kept my head bowed and kneeled in the same position, staring at the floor, I didn't dare meet the eyes of the king nor the audience.

Hope you now what you're doing because I won't be helpful. Even though all I want right now is to blame Ruby and get out of here I can't. I don't dare open my mouth, afraid of embarrassing myself or worse.

"Would you like to step forward and read up your accusions and also tell us on what grounds they are brought forward?" the king asks, turning slightly to look at someone.

I don't so who he's looking at but I can see Runt shift from the corner of my eyes, she probably sees who is responsible for all this.

I really hope she knows what she is doing and can get me out of this because I surely don't.


"Of course, my king. I shall never insinuate someone is braking out laws without having reasonable suspicions, we can't risk that someone gets accused of something they haven't done" The sickly sweet voice of Mahogany says.

Of course, after what have happened and Carnelian sneaking around she has found a way to get me out of the way once and for all.

"Everyone should get the chance to prove themselves before we decide their fate, we can't do anything on false grounds" she continues.

My anger begins to boil inside of me. I have no idea how she is going to prove in guilty but I have no doubt she has figured something out because otherwise we wouldn't be standing here.

I can tell my dad is nervous, he is standing there and he knows that he might be forced to announce my execution.

I can tell he wants to stop this but he can't, he's the king and he has to follow the laws.

My father nods slowly to Mahoganys speech, knowing fully well she didn't mean anything she just said but as the king he needs to do this.

"As you all know innocent people have been killed in the recent days and we all mourn the loss of these brave heroic people" she begins.

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