25. The Elimination

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My chest swelled of pride for Jasper Hamill. The boy that had seemed so unfocused when I had explained the test today had completed his task faster than most of the others.

I had been worried he would have got a bad place as he hadn't listened too well but he did good without the need of help. He figured it out almost completely by himself.

Stealing a quick glance at his father even he looked to be accepting. Before he had just looked like he was deeply disappointed with his son, especially when he too had noticed Jasper's unfocused state. I was happy that he couldn't find a reason to be disappointed now.

Jasper really earned it, he had done well and no one had the right to say something else.

The thing that made me happy was the smile on Jasper's face, he couldn't seem to stop smiling and that made me smile myself. I loved seeing him smile, he looked so peaceful, innocent and happy.

Finally the last person returned from the woods, sadly it was in the hands of two guards. Last place and caught, there was no denying he would be eliminated.

The poor guys face sank when he realized that himself but surprisingly he still held his head up high. That made me smile, I liked people that didn't gave up when they lost and became a bad loser. Instead he showed he would lose as a good person without complaining.

When I reached him I smiled "Nice try, it will be better next time" I said, encouraging him. He smiled and nodded a quiet thanks.

When every competition had gathered I walked over to the other judges and we talked about which we would eliminate.

After a time of arguing we finally decided on two people that would be eliminated, in of them the guy that had came last and another one that had been caught before everyone else.

When we turned the judge that would be changed at the next test announced the eliminated. We had decided, the royals and me that the temporary judge would be announcing the eliminated and wouldn't have a big say in the decision.

The boy took the elimination with calm and strode back into the castle with dignity. His party followed him back in with disappointed and angry expressions but they didn't object.

The girl we had eliminated began crying. Her mother heatedly protested against the judge and told him why the girl shouldn't had been eliminated but the judge only told her candy that it was a standing decision.

After some time the woman stomped off with her scowling husband as the other gathered scowled after them, looking disgusted. Going against a decision of the judge, including the royal wasn't anything they praised. At least not in the presence of the royals.

When everything had calmed down and conversation began to erupt between the people I clapsed my hands together to get the attention.

The blabber quieted down "Now the first test is completed and I hope no one is displeased" I said. That was only a shot thing, everyone knew no one would say if they were displeased. At least not the ones that kept there emotions controlled and still wanted their position and respect.

"The dinner is already served and awaiting you in the great fining hall, there will be no other activity today but the training continues as usual tomorrow after breakfast" I told them and then turned back to Garnet.

The Queen and the prince walked off to participate in the dinner, probably just too look like they cares about the others around them.

I took that opportunity to talk freely to my father as we took up a slow pace to walk back into the castle and to his rooms.

To other people it would look like we were talking about the matters if the kingdom but instead I was wanting to ask him something.

I had wanted to know for a while but I knew I couldn't just ask someone without dragging attention to myself. Father would understand though, he always did. He never judged me or told me what to do, he understood me.

As we still were in earshot to other unknowing ears I decided to ask about something less suspicious.

"Heard from the king yet?" I asked him. He had sent letters to the king of Magic and asked if he could maybe help me with my problem.

Though I hadn't told him dad knew I hates to be locked up every night and he knew I hated to turn a monster at night so he had tried to take contact to the king so he could maybe make a new ring for me so I could get back my control.

"Actually I have" he said and I quickly turned my head to his. He smiled at my eagerness but a flicker of sadness and sympathy was seen in his eyes.

He hated when I said I hated myself and the monster I turned every night if I couldn't keep control. He always told me I were strong and didn't need the ring for control, that is could learn myself and that I didn't need to be a monster but he didn't understand.

He thought I could be better but I knew it wouldn't be possible, when I lost my temper again the person closest would get hurt and I really didn't want it to be him or anyone else.

I hated that I hunted other people, I was a dancer to everyone just as Mahogany had said. She was right, I shouldn't be here at all, it was to big of a risk.

"You have? What did he say then?" I said, I tried to keep the anticipation out of my voice but I probably failed.

"He said that he wanted to come here and look the situation over before he decided what to do" Garnet said and I sighed frustrated. That would only take a lot of important time.

"So he will soon be here, we will organize a ball as a suitable welcome, I'm sure he will like that. His wife will also come if I don't remember wrong" the king said thoughtfully as he scratched his chin.

Sighing deeply yet another time I closed the doors after us as we finally emerged into his room.

He turned to me "Now daughter I believe it was something else that bothered you?" he said and I nodded.

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