9. The Beginning Of The Day

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I watched silently as the wolves ran wildly on the meadow, playing and wrestling.

Today I had been allowed to take them out to the forest, I guessed that's what they decided after the encounter in the garden. They probably didn't want the wolves walking around the corridors, visible to all guests, anymore.

I would have joined the pair of it weren't for the ordinary castle guards uneasiness.

My own guards didn't seen faced at all by the wolves and probably wouldn't have reacted if I joined the wolves but the other guards didn't even seem to like the wolves being free and playing like that. I could only imagine how they would react if I joined in the pairs game out on the meadow.

The day was early and the sun was still trying to warm up the landscape making the dew condensate as it heated up.

My fingers were wet as I fiddled with the water covered grass around me, the cold seeped into my trousers as I sat down onto the grass but I didn't move.

I wanted the wolves to run of their energy and tire themselves so they wouldn't be to restless today when they would be alone in my rooms.

The note I had found the day before were getting to me as the time dragged on. Soon breakfast would be served and then I would meet Ruby in the garden. Well, at least I think it's Ruby.

She said she would give me a castle tour but then she had sounded like she was joking. Was this just a joke? Intended to give here an even longer laugh when she didn't show up or would she really give me a tour?

It seemed unreal, wouldn't the captain of the royal guard be really busy? Did she really have time for me?

Did she give the other competitors a tour or was it only me? Why would she give me a tour at all?

My heart fluttered at the thought of seeing her again, I had never felt this way before so what was it that was so different with her? Why just her?

I ound myself being extremely nervous about what would happen after breakfast.

What's wrong with me?

Ruby didn't appear for breakfast that morning, what did that mean? Had something come up so we couldn't meet today or why weren't she here as she usually was?

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Ruby didn't appear for breakfast that morning, what did that mean? Had something come up so we couldn't meet today or why weren't she here as she usually was?

The servants were more than usual though and they were running around preparing everything to the ball tomorrow. Would Ruby be there? Would she even working at the ball or would she be a guest?

Probably working and look over the safety as new guests were to arrive to the castle tomorrow to attend the ball and travel home at the end of the ball when they had done everything they could to get good contacts.

Halfway through the food I stopped eating just because I couldn't get anymore down without fee loop ing the need to throw everything up again.

I felt nervous, a feeling I weren't familiar with and I didn't like it at all. Usually I'm never nervous, especially not when a girl is the reason.

As I had always been the strange kid, always being to myself I wasn't really to social and I had never really talked to girls.

I had appreciated my time running around in the forest where I had found Kaden and Sheila or reading books all by myself. That's who I have always been and now a girl is introduced into my life and everything is different. I feel different.

This feeling wasn't familiar and I didn't understand what it was I was feeling when I was with Ruby. We hadn't really been with each other a lot but the little time I have had with her...i loved it.

She is the only person I actually had wanted to go back to, to talk to more. I want to know who she are and what she likes and dislikes. It's a weird feeling I have never felt before and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

When it was clear I wouldn't eat anymore I have up on that and excused myself from the table, dad didn't seem to like I left so early but I didn't pay him any attention when I left the room.

My guards and the ordinary castle guards following behind. I walked down the corridor and searched my mind, trying to remember the way to the garden.

I followed my mental map and hoped it wouldn't be wrong and lead me a completely different way.

When I suddenly recognized the corridor I was currently walking down I turned a corner and opened the doors I knew would lead me outdoors to the garden, I had found my way after all.

The cold air hit me in the face and the scent of flowers and other things found in a garden flooded my nose.

I made my way down the stone path, not really knowing were in the garden I should go, the bite didn't make that clear.

Turning down different paths I just walked around the garden without any special direction in mind, hoping I would stumble over Ruby if it really was her who had sent the note.

"Ah, there you are. I had begun to think you may had gotten lost but it seems like you haven't" a voice suddenly said and my eyes collided with the captians as she strode to me with confident steps.

Her short black her followed the sweeping airs movements and blew gently in the wind.

Behind me I felt the castle guards moving and I assumed they were shocked to see her here, talking to me.

Her eyes moved from me as she looked at the guards behind me "I will take care of him myself" she said and the guards immediately began to move.

I turned in time to see them all walk off, my own guards if only a little reluctant, wondering if they should really lave or not. Either way they all left, leaving me alone with the captian of the royal guard.

One could only guess what they would think about this situation. I turned back, only too discover Ruby were already looking at me.

She turned her head to the side as if she were a curious animal "So? Ready for that tour now?" she asked me and I nodded, not really knowing what to answer.

She jerked her head over her shoulder "Come on then, I don't have all day" she said and turned her back to me, walking the direction she had indicated we would take.

I hurried to her side and followed her pace as she began walking in a slow rate.

"Any special places you want to visit? The library? Gallery? Or do you just want to look around freely? You want to go get your wolves so they can take a walk?" she asked as if it was an ordinary conversation.

My eyes lit up as my mind considered the possibilities even though I were shocked about what she offered. She would really let me go everywhere? Would she let me walk freely in the care with Sheila and Kaden?

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