4. The Rooms

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The servant Samantha led us up a couple of stairs, two ordinary guards followed us. Tough they had shiny decorated armor they didn't even begin to look as flashy as the Royal Guards.

Dad asked a couple of questions and Samantha quickly answered them, not giving away more than needed.

Soft padding was heard behind me when Sheila and Kaden trotted behind me, I could tell the people around us were cautious of the wolves as we walked down the adorned hallways.

The floor were covered in red elegant mats or white marble in different corridors. Pictures of famous people adorned the walls with other famous objects as the legendary sword that had belonged to the first king and so on.

The kingdoms colors, silver, red and gold was the mostly used palette in the corridors and probably in all rooms in the castle.

The only sound heard in the quiet corridors were our footsteps on the floor and the soft mumbling from my fathers conversation with the servant.

Three stairs later we had reached the fourth floor and finally the servant stopped in front of one of the doors a little bit into the corridor.

"These doors and those" Samantha began, pointing to the door she stood before and some doors beside it.

"Leads to your rooms, they are the same so it shouldn't be so hard to chose who gets which" she said and my dad nodded, looking thoughtful.

"Your company will get room downstairs with the other workers but your servants and guards are already waiting in your rooms" she said, nodding to the doors.

My dad nodded and laid his hands on the doors knobs as she bowed and left down the hallway, guess we're on our own now.

The guards that had followed us posted themselves at the corridors walls, still and unemotional as statues.

Dad twisted the knobs, pushing the doors open, I took a peak inside. Gold, red and silver was everywhere.

Leaving my dad to explore his own room I walked over to the other doors and twisted the doorknobs to what would be my rooms.

Sheila and Kaden followed close behind me as I stepped inside, closing the doors behind me.

Three of the guards we had brought with us and two of our servants stood in the room, waiting for me.

The guards stood lined at the walls and the servants beside the table and chairs.

When I emerged the servants bowed "Mister Hamill, we have already packed up your things. Is it anything more we can do for you?" one of them asked.

Thinking for a moment I looked around the room "Nope, thank you. I will call you if I want anything" I told him and he nodded.

The servants soon left the room after telling me how to summon them and then I was left with my guards.

Kaden and Sheila were already exploring the room and I wanted to do the same, in private, I never liked to be watched by anyone and the guards were making me uncomfortable.

Kaden and Sheila were already exploring the room and I wanted to do the same, in private, I never liked to be watched by anyone and the guards were making me uncomfortable

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The guards finally headed to the door to get outside after I had successfully persuaded them to leave, telling them I were safe and they could guard me from the hallway.

As the door closes behind the last guard I finally turn around to look at my assigned room.

The walls are red with golden details, some pictures and other decorative objects hanging on them.

The stone floor is in a pattern of different shades of white. At the wall opposite from the door is a big double door leading our to the balcony.

A big table surrounded by chairs stood in the room an a set of couches and coffee tables took over the other part of the room.

Two doors at the right wall is visible. I walk through the closest door to the right and emerge into a big closet, my clothes were already hung up by the servants.

Looking around in the room I found nothing special, the glorious look not surprising me at all but I'm still amazed.

When I walked out Kaden followed me into the next door, Sheila looking up the other side of the room.

The door lead to a luxurious bathroom in mostly white, silver and gold.

I rounded the bathtub in the middle of the room with Kaden in my heels, looking around and drinking in as much details as I can.

Kaden walked out the door and I followed him, watching as he went up to Sheila to nuzzle her neck to look if she's okay.

I turned from the pair and made my way to the glass doors taking up most of the wall.

A wind blew in as I opened the doors, rustling my hair and my clothes in the warm sticky air.

Stepping out to the balcony I overlooked the massive space. The roof protected me from rain and the walls at the sides hid the other balconies I knew were at the other side of the walls.

I walked to the railing and leaned into it, looking to the side. Spotting the other neighboring balcony I nodded to myself.

It would be hard to climb over to the other balcony if I wanted to. This way of building offered not only privacy but safety too, probably saving that extra guards that no longer has need to be placed under the balcony to hold of intruders taking the balcony way.

That would mean I could have the balcony doors open all night for fresh air to the wolves without worrying about a murderer sneaking in, tough I doubt they would get past the wolves.

I turned on my heels and walked in again, leaving the doors open behind me.

The last bit of space in the chambers wasn't jet explored. A thick heavy-looking drapery hung in a decorated arch.

The fabric made of a dark red, probably dividing the bedroom from the other room.

Sweeping the curtains away I stepped into the bedroom area. The bed was enormous, big enough to contain five people laying side by side.

As expected the bed clothing were red, gold and silver. A red and golden ottoman stood at the beds end and in one of the rooms corners stood a wooden table between two elegant red armchairs.

Sitting down onto the bed it softly dipped underneath me. Sheila trotted into the room with Kaden following close behind her.

They both jumped onto the bed beside me with elegance and I laid back, cuddling into their soft fur.

"So? What do you think? I hope you like it because we will be spending much time in here" I said to them.

They would have to stay in the room most of the time when I didn't walk with them in the castle garden or something like that, maybe they would let me out in the woods?

"I know. I wouldn't like being stuck in here but if you're not here and don't behave you will be placed in the dog stalls and it will be even worse" I told them, not knowing if they really understood what is was saying.

They were surprisingly smart and understanding in comparison to other animals, usually they understood what I meant.

"Well, Sheila needs to rest so it can't be too hard for you right? We will make it together, won't we?" I said, turning to Sheila and ruffling the fur on her head.

She barked and began wagging her tail, I laughed. "I take that as a yes, what do you say Kaden?" I said turning to him.

He stared intensely into my eyes and I knew he actually listened to me, at least my voice, hopefully he understood too.

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