7. The Garden Meeting

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When I awoke the next day I still felt tense from the fight with my father the day before.

Kaden was protectively pacing around the bed as he watched over the sleeping Sheila.

Walking to the closet without disturbing the wolves I slipped on some decent looking clothes and walked to the window as I had nothing better to do.

Outside the day was only beginning, showing me I had woken up earlier than I first had thought.

Dew was glistening in the mat off grass as a proof of the cold night. The sky was cloudy but not dark enough to contain a mass if rain.

The doors wreaked open behind me and I turned to face the person walking inside.

The servant looked nervous but when he saw me his fave flooded with relief, I guess he didn't want to wake me up as he knew how grumpy I could be if I didn't get the sleep I wanted.

He bowed to me "Mister, the breakfast will be served in the great hall in about two hours" he told me. "Also, if you would want to go for a walk with the wolves the guards recommend you to do it now when it's early" he informed me and i nodded.

"Thank you Enrique, you can go now" I said, pleased by the opportunity of taking the wolves out of the room. The servant bowed and left, closing the doors behind him.

I had been allowed to take them out at short times before but this was the first time were they really would get the change to be outside the rooms.

I walked back to my bedroom were Kaden still were circling around Sheila who where awake by now and looked expectantly up at me from the bed.

I smiled at them "Seems like they are letting us out guys! Come on!" I said happily walking out again.

The soft padding of paws against the floor let me know they were following me. When I turned and saw their tails wagging excitedly I laughed at them, such energetic animals.

Sadly we weren't allowed outside the castle walls to that inviting forest or the eye catching meadows before it but we were allowed to roam freely around the castle

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Sadly we weren't allowed outside the castle walls to that inviting forest or the eye catching meadows before it but we were allowed to roam freely around the castle.

Mostly because everyone were asleep or on their rooms so my wolves wouldn't bother them, it wouldn't surprise me if the visitors didn't even know about the wolfs inside the castle walls.

The royals probably wanted to keep it hidden as long as possible. Not that I minded as long as they let them out from time to time.

After some walking I went trough a door and the scent of flowers hit me. The garden, the air was balmy and peaceful making my tense shoulders ease even more.

The guards followed behind at a respectful distance as I followed Kaden and Sheila on the stone path deeper into the garden.

Letting my mind stray once again my thoughts immediately traveled to the captain, wonder was she was doing now?

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