14. The Frantic Night

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Something felt wrong, something were terribly wrong and I couldn't put my finger on what it was.

Fiddling with my fingers I constantly changed position on the uncomfortable chair.

Right after the ball had ended and the royal family had time we had brought them to the throne room and fetched the man from the cells in the dungeon.

I had explain his assault on me and the suspicions about similarities had occurred before.

His trial had been short as I needed to collect more information about him to give him a fair trial but now he said properly locked in the dungeons and waited for his real trial and punishment.

I had seen my dads face almost turn red and I had felt exactly as furious bit I felt it was harder to contain today for some unknown reason.

After the trial we had decided to go right onto the daily meeting about safety and the kingdoms updates only to have that over with, the only problem was the meeting never seemed to end.

The Queen as usual bragged on and on about what she wanted me to do, everyone knew it couldn't be done as fast as she wanted it to but no one bothered to tell her that knowing she would dismissed it as me being crappy and incapable of handling my job.

I was extremely irritated and felt like standing up and leaving like a rebel or just punch her in the face, sure I always felt like this but tonight the feelings were stronger and harder to control.

Why do I feel like I haven't got any control? What's wrong? Impatient I sat fiddling with my hands, the feeling of me missing something bugging me at a really disturbing level.

At the end if the meeting I didn't listen to a word, only concentrating on keeping control and don't barge trough the door.

Finally people began to rise and leave, indicating the meeting was over and I barged to my feet, not wasting any time as I left the room and ran down the corridors to the floor downstairs and flying into my room letting the doors bang loudly as they slammed shut behind me.

I hadn't felt like this in years and that's a long time. This familiar feeling made me extremely uneasy and a shiver went trough me as I thought of what this could mean.

I almost screeched in horror as I realized what it was u had been missing all the time. The ring, it was the only thing preventing me from losing control and now it was gone.

That explained the naked feeling I had had at the meeting. Fear coursed trough my veins as I realized I weren't prepared for this, not at all.

I hadn't thought this would happen again in a long time, I had thought u would have time to prepare but it's no way I'm near ready now.

It was no late, it was almost midnight and I felt the control slip from me, my blood thirsty anger rising and taking over me.

Taking deep breaths I tried to calm down, knowing my panic only made things worse and didn't help at all, only speed up the transformation.

My vision began to blur as I frantically tried to collect myself and figure out what to do. An idea flashed in my mind before I felt dizzy as I hurried into action.

I slammed my doors to the corridor open and spotted some guards standing posted, guarding the corridor.

"Get doctor!" I yelled before shutting the doors and locking them again. The guards were probably shocked by my unusual actions but I didn't care, it was an emergency.

I knew they would send the doctor specially assigned to the royal guards, usually I came to him with my injuries so he would probably understand right away what was happening when I called for him.

I only hoped they would be quick to wake him up and get here, who knew how much time I had. One minute, ten? At most one hour but I seriously doubted that as I was losing control in my panic.

Locking the doors wouldn't stop me when I turned into a monster but it gave me a feeling of being safe even if that wasn't true.

Oh lord please let them acknowledge my father he would understand and try to get everyone in safety. Please keep the deaths that will probably occur tonight to a minimum.

My vision blurred and I began seeing dark black at the edges, I was losing it. I would turn soon.

Walking to the window while breathing rapidly as I unsuccessfully tried to calm my breath I looked out to the dark night.

The field separating the castle from the wild woods were dark and shadowed, the moonlight lighting it up slightly.

The beast part of me almost leaped out right away as I forced imagines about ruining freely in that forest. Ramming down any obstacles in my way.

Suddenly loud and clear Joel's were heard and I knew it came from the castle, his wolves. Did they feel the beast trying to brake free from me so it could go on a rampage trough the castle?

I felt the last of my control slip as my vision became black, thinking footsteps were heard but I couldnt focus on what that meant.

The doors banging open, slamming to the walls as they were thrown open was heard trough the room as the beast took over.

The last thing I was aware of was the pain as something penetrated my skin at my shoulder and the howls growing louder before darkness dragged me down into unconsciousness.


I jolted awake when the wolves began howling. Confused and dazed I stared at the wolves as they howled loudly and hysterically, what was happening.

My brain slowly woke up after the sleep, it felt like I had just fallen asleep.

Shouts and thumping footsteps were heard outside the rooms in the corridors as people were moving out there.

Had something happened?

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