44. The Truth

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My stomach grumbled but I stayed in my bed not daring to leave the room. After what Jadeline had said I was scared that more people would figure it out, what if they already knew?

My heart hammered in my chest, what would they do if they knew?

Jasper had wanted to talk to me but I had ignored him as I didnt want to talk to him in fear he would ask questions I didn't want to answer or worse is he already know and wanted to accuse me and demand my death.

I heard steps in the corridor and once again held my breath like that would hide me. Maybe it was another guard at his patrol, what time is it? Maybe it has already gone half an hour?

But I wasn't that lucky, the steps faltered at my door and then the person at the other side knocked.

Keeping my breath inside and not moving I hoped the person at the other side of the door would turn around and leave.

I could hear the faint heartbeat and the smell made its way inside my room. Jasper.

He was nervous but the knocking told me he was set on talking to me. He knocked again and I knew he wasn't going to leave, he knew I was here and he wouldn't leave until I was opening that door and taking to him.

How could he be so shy and cute but at the same time be so determined to do something when he had decided what he wanted? I don't get how his fighting personalities can get together like that.

After the third firm knock I slowly stood up from my bed and cautiously went to the door.

The little wolf followed me curiously, I had found him in my room and I had remembered what I had been talking about with Jasper yesterday. But I can't recall Carnelian but do.ehow I knew I had talked to him too and it was probably to his credit that I shifted.

The problem was that I didn't remember why? He must have done something that upset me really much so I shifted to early bit what?

I leaned against the door and I could now hear Jaspers breathing between the wood door. He knocked once again and I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

Should I open?

It seems like my mind decided on its own and against my will my body moved to obey my brains commands, opening the door.

Jasper stood at the other side with his fiat raised, he had been about to knock again.

He stared at me for some time and I stared back just as intensive. We stood there, quietly watching each other before Jasper seemed to snap out of the face and stormed inside. Leaving me to close the door after him.

The door softly clicked as I turned back to him and saw him glancing around the room, he seemed conflicted about something.

Like he wanted to say something but didn't know where to start. I decided to make it easy for him.

"What is it Jasper?" I asked him and his head whipped to me. He glanced over me, he really looked at me and I twisted uncomfortably under his intense gaze.

It was as if he was looking for something, like he saw me as another person now? What had happened?

My heart began to beat loudly again and I began to think that he probably heard it before he opened his mouth and I waited breathlessly before he closed it again and I breathed out, almost dizzy.

Why won't he talk to me?

"Jaspe-" I began again bit he finally spoke, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"Are you responsible for the deaths yesterday?" he asked and I stared wide eyed at him.

How did he find out? Somebody must have told him. Jadeline? But why would he talk to her? I thought he would be to shy but then again if he was determined to do something he would stop at nothing to do it.

"Answer me Captain" he demanded and it hurt to hear him callin my title instead of my name.

I hadn't noticed it before but now in its absence I realized he had always calls me my real name instead of my title. I guess things would change now.

He would hate me, he would only see a monster from now on. I almost got teary eyed. I hadn't realized how much I lived him until now and now he would never look at me with live again.

If he ever had, maybe it was my own imagination that had made that up to. But the kisses had been real, hadn't they?

My throat felt dry as I opened it to anger him and only a croaked word was heard before I cleared my throat.

"Yes, I am" I said and hung my head low in shame. I couldn't look him in they eye, I couldn't see the disgust I felt rolling of off him in waves.


I stared at her in disbelief and disgust, she had killed them. She really had. I had kissed this monster. I had let her take over my mind.

Her eyes teared up, another one of her tricks. Backing away from her I hoped she wouldn't notice, I hoped I could get away from her as fast as possible.

"Jasper, wait, please! Let me explain!" she said desperately and reached out to me.

No way I will let her fool me again, she was just playing on my heart. One side of me wanted to take her in my arms and hold here there till she calmed down and stopped crying but the other reasonable part of me know I should get away from this monster and warn everyone else.

I jerked back from her attempt to reach me, I needed to get out of here fast before the part of me that still cared for her took over, because if I stayed I would be doomed.

A flash of hurt crossed her features as she saw me move away from her "Please, let me explain" she begged as she reached out for me again

This time she gripped my arm and before I could draw back I felt an invisible cloak of magic drape around me and I couldn't move anymore.

My mind became dizzy as I thought for control, she used her hypnosis in me to make me stay. She was powerful I had no chance of winning over her but I thought back with all I had anyway and I saw how my attempts to escape her claws seemed to make a toll on her, lies.

Just a game, she only plays with me before I'm becoming her dinner. Like a cat and a mouse, playing with its food.

"Let me go! Don't use your filthy tricks on me!" I screamed furiously at her, surprised when I realized she hadn't taken away my ability to talk yet.

She flinched, her face desperate and hurt. I almost believed her but I knew it was only a facade to make me feel bad and forgive her.

"Jasper, please" she begged. Tears dripped from her face, good actress shame she is a monster.

"Let me go!" I screamed ignoring her pleadings and she looked down to her feet, at least she had the decency to be ashamed of herself.

The hypnosis that made my body follow her commands faltered and I fought against the little that was left but she quickly gathered herself and straightened her hypnosis on me too keep me in place.

Tears was still dripping from her face but she seemed to decide on something.

I stared at her angrily and was just about to give her a little piece of my mind but noticed that she had now stripped me off my ability to talk, I felt no need for it anymore.

But as I was trained in this I knew this was just part off the hypnosis and that I really did want to talk to her. Wonder why she still let me keep my thoughts to myself?

Why doesn't she make everything easier for herself and takes away my thoughts and memories?

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