3. The Arriving

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▶Two weeks later◀


Jumping off my horse, Moon-Dancer, I followed my dad as he walked up the steps to were the Royal Guards waited at the doors to the castle.

We had already made it through the first ports so this would probably just be information.

This is my first time to be in the castle. I have always seen it from afar when I traveled with my dad. Now tough, I'm standing here, about to enter.

My gaze sweeps over the Royal Guards at the door, they are not like other guards. They are the closest to the royal family and they are well trained, they must have skills to have earned such a position.

Rumor says that the Captian of the Royal Guard actually is a girl, a pretty skilled one too.

Tough females works as soldiers and guards too they are not common and to have such a position is even rarer.

In other kingdoms girls is pretty much extinct in the military world so I guess our kingdom, famous because our well trained warriors and big armies, is more open for change and can give females a chance to work up to their  place in the hard works.

My gaze stops at the girl standing before the other guards, her high position is clearly seen trough her posture and what she's wearing.

She is clothed in black armor and red rubies adorns her breastplate forming a red glistening wolf, the kingdoms mark. Her sword is strapped to her side, looking elegant.

The other soldiers were the same but hers is more decorated and polished showing clearly she's the one in charge.

When father stands before the guards she steps forward a small smile showing on her lips.

She eyes us both cautiously but her eyes barely grazes our party of guards and servants we brought with us "Hi, I'm Ruby Lowell. You must be Quartz Hamill and I take it this is your son, Jasper?" she says, the words easily rolling off her tongue in her gentle voice as she shakes my dads hand.

Nodding his head my dad let's go of her gloved hand and turns to me, laying his hand on my shoulder "Yes, my son Jasper is here to attend the competition" my dad says proudly, patting my shoulder.

Her eyes jerk to me and she quickly looks me over again "I see, then I will need to wish you good luck" she said in her sweet dialect, common for these upper parts of the kingdom.

My dad nods "Thank you Captain Lowell" he says in a thankful voice and she bows her head slightly making her black her sweep into her face.

I can't seem take my eyes of her, it's something's special about her "I'm sorry but it was a long travel to get here and we are a little tired, we would want to be taken to our rooms please" my dad continues as I continue staring at the Captain.

Her back hair is cut off at her shoulders and her brown eyes is silently looking all of us over.

"Of course, I hope you didn't have any trouble on your way here" she says and turns to the doors. They begin to open as she turns back to us.

"No the travel was pleasant if only a little tiring" my dad said and she nodded.

Her eyes seems to fall on something behind me, I turn to see Kaden and Sheila sitting patiently behind me.

"I see you took your...wolves with you?" she said as she took in the sight of the animals, not quite a question but my dad happily answers to blame it on me.

"Well, my son is a fan of animals and the female is soon having cubs so be didn't want too leave them. I hope they aren't a problem?" my dad said, something showed in her eyes but I didn't have the time to detect it before it was gone.

Smiling she looked me right in the eyes for the first time "I'm sure it won't be a problem if they behave, we have people to take care of them in the dog stalls but maybe you want to take them to your rooms?" she asked me and I wasn't only surprised she talked directly to me I was surprised that she would let me take them with me into the castle.

I had thought they would have to be in the dog stalls so I would have to go to them everyday.

"I would like to take them to my rooms, they will behave or they will immediately be brought to the stalls" I promised her. I could tell dad didn't like this at all but he wouldn't say anything now, in front if everyone.

She looked at me "Then that shall be fixed but keep them from the bigger rooms and keep them at your side under control" she told me strictly and I nodded.

She turned her attention to my father again and walked in the now open doors.

Right at the doors opening stood a servant dressed in their official clothes, her hair was brown and tied up into a knot.

"This is Samantha, she will show you to your rooms where your other servants is waiting" The captain explained standing beside the servant.

"Hopefully she will be able to answer any questions you may have. Dinner will be served in about an hour, your guards will escort you there when it's time" she said.

The girl, Samantha, waved us to her and dad followed her with me in his steps.

Kaden and Sheila followed in my heels not straying away or anything. The rest of our party was being taken care of until we were fully settled.

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