Chapter 2: Dance Practice

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Yoon Sejin's POV:

"Finally! Lunch! My favorite time of the day!" I sat down at the regular table for lunch only to be greeted by a few freshmen.

"Hey, noona!" Woojin waved to me. I remember when I first met them.


Two freshmen were seated and having a conversation by the time I got to my regular lunch table. They got up and greeted me.

"If this is your table, then we can move." One of them offered. I shook my head and gestured them to sit.

"What's your names?" I asked. Everyone else was in line buying food while I was the only one who brought my lunch. I'm lactose intolerant, and I don't trust the school's food to not "accidentally" poison me.

"I'm Park Jihoon and this is Park Woojin." Woojin bowed at the mention of his name. I nodded and told them that they could stay here if they like. They looked at each other before sitting down.

Sungmi and the other guys just arrived at our table. "Hi, who are you guys?" Sungmi asked.

"Hello!" They bowed.

"I'm Park Jihoon and this is Park Woojin. We're freshmen here!" JIhoon responded with happiness.

"Oh hi! I'm Sungmi, this is Seongwoo, and this is Daniel. What extracurriculars were you guys planning on taking?"

"Oh, we were planning on joining a dance club or something if the school offered it!" Jihoon said.

"Really? Why don't you come by after school today and maybe I can check out a few of your moves. My crew is looking for new recruits since the seniors last year left." Seongwoo offered. "Of course, Daniel has to be cool with it."

Daniel nodded in agreement as if to say he was fine with the freshmen coming over.

"Really? Thank you, hyung!" Woojin and Jihoon both stood up and bowed at Seongwoo and Daniel out of respect.

"Now, now. You don't have to bow. Just make sure to show up, alright?" Seongwoo seemed embarrassed at the whole situation. He kept on laughing nervously and rubbing the back of his neck.

-end of flashback-

"Umm, Sejin? Can I talk to you?" I turned around to see Mingyun looking at me with her two-faced smile. Since I didn't want the freshmen to be involved, I nodded and followed her out of the cafeteria. She pulled me into a classroom that happened to be empty before slapping my face.

"Oww.." I hissed. She slapped me again. She then pulled me on my collar so I could only see her face.

"Look here bitch. I saw you flirting with my Seongwoo earlier today. If you ever try to flirt with my Seongwoo again, I will hurt you in the worst way possible. I'm pretty sure I warned you before we started dating, but this time you better keep your promise." She hit my head for emphasis. She laughed her wicked laugh. "The next you see me might be your last time you see the world."

She gripped my wrist really hard and left the classroom. I stood up, wincing, but grateful she didn't continue. I ran back to the cafeteria after grabbing my hoodie from my locker and putting it on.

"Oh, there she is!" Seongwoo pointed at me. I waved and sat down in my seat.

"Noona, why are you wearing a jacket? Isn't it hot?" Woojin asked me.

"No, it's just that this place is really cold. It is still the beginning of spring." I pulled my sleeves closer to my hands to make sure the bruise was hidden. Woojin looked at me weirdly before letting the topic go. Suddenly, Mingyun came up to Seongwoo and blindfolded him with her hands.

"Guess who?" Mingyun asked in a sweet demonic voice. I was gonna puke because of her tone. She glared at me, as if to say not to interfere.

"Hmmm.... Oh! Minnie!" Seongwoo turned around and pecked Mingyun on the lips. I had to turn away and gag. I saw the freshmen trying not to gag out of respect of their leader. Daniel couldn't help but gag as well as Sungmi.

"PDA! PDA! Get out of here and get a room you two!" Daniel protested. "I may be a Junior, but you don't have to tell everyone in the world about your relationship! Keep it Seniors only please!" I threw a piece of bread at Daniel (it was the crust).

"Ew! I don't wanna see it either!" I protested with Daniel. As we spoke, those two were busy cuddling with each other and Daniel and I had it the worst. We both happened to sit next the couple and could hear every single word being said.

"Aww. You two are just jealous of our relationship. Good luck getting a girlfriend hyung, and as for you Sejin, you need as much luck as you can get." Seongwoo winked at me. I slapped him.

"I can get a boyfriend! It's just that my brother sucks at introducing me to guys that I find pretty cute." I muttered the last part while sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck.

"What was that?" Seongwoo leaned in closer, as if to mock me for speaking so quietly. I grabbed his ear and tugged. "Ow, ow, OW! Ok, ok, you win!"

I let go feeling satisfied with myself. Mingyun's gaze landed on me, telling me to back off.

"That's what you get for making fun of me." I pouted and turned away. Woojin started to stare at me.

Well, more specifically, my wrist. I looked at it to notice that the sleeve that I thought was covering it, was revealing the bruise. I quickly hid it before any of the others noticed. Woojin caught my eye and quickly wrote down something before passing a piece of paper to me. The note said, 'What happened?' I scribbled down a 'nothing' and handed it back to him. He read it, but it didn't seem like he was convinced at my answer.

"Anyway, I'm pretty sure classes are about to begin soon, so I'll see you after practice, alright?" Seongwoo kissed her on the cheek and Mingyun nodded before prancing off into the mess of people. "Sejin! Let's go to History!" He flung his arm around me and practically dragged me to class.

History was just as boring as the rest of my classes and school finally came to a close. I started to walk to the practice room that Seongwoo and Daniel went to after school, since my mom doesn't trust me walking home alone, and Mingyun pushed me into the lockers.

"Look here, girlie. I don't give a shit if you're Seongwoo's friend or not. Give him up and everything can go quietly. Stop showing up to his dance practice and helping him. That's my job." She kicked me in my stomach.

"Look, I'm sorry but I have to walk home with him because our parents ordered us to. I won't mess with him during practice. Instead, I'll do my homework and completely ignore him." I told her, gritting my teeth. She turned around with her crew of girls and grabbed my hair.

"Even, if you choose to ignore him, he chooses to notice you. Now why is that, huh? I'm his girlfriend." She slapped me in the face. "He should notice me." She punched me in the stomach. "Now leave."

I didn't. Instead, I followed her into the practice room and sat down in my usual corner. She looked pissed at me, but contorted her face to be innocent around him.

"Oh hey! I didn't think you would make it, Sejin!" Seongwoo waved at me before going to kiss Mingyun on the cheek. "Can you help record our practice?" I shrugged but remembered Mingyun's threat.

"Sorry, I have a bit of homework to do." I told Seongwoo. He nodded in understandment and asked Daniel to record instead. I opened my bag and pulled out my homework. I began to work on it. Once I finished my homework, I looked up to see Woojin dancing. He looked great with the way he was moving and many of Mingyun's goons fangirled over him. I rolled my eyes at that. It was gonna be a long practice.



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