Chapter 13: Study Night

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Yoon Sejin's POV:

When I finally arrived at our houses, I ran into Seongwoo's arms. Let me rephrase this. He had his arms out, ready to embrace someone while I couldn't stop myself from running into those arms.

"Hey now, we don't want you to be crashing into anyone else, now do we?" Seongwoo whispered to me. I released myself from his embrace and looked at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He waved my question off and knocked on the door. "You better go home and study for finals. They're right around the corner."

The door opened and I walked in. I turned around to wave bye to Seongwoo, but he was gone. I shrugged and ran to the dinner table to eat dinner. Afterwards, I ran upstairs to start studying for finals. I looked at the calendar to see which days were which finals. It seemed like I had 2 tests on Monday, 2 on Tuesday, and one on Wednesday. I looked at the 2 on Monday. 'History, Science.'

'Great! My favorite classes!' I sighed at my misfortune. I proceeded to look at Tuesday's tests. 'Math, English.' Not bad. I then looked at Wednesday's. 'Korean Writing and Reading.' Crap. That was the worst class that I have ever scored in. I suck at writing and answering comprehension questions about a passage, that are open-ended, that I don't really care about. Not to mention, it feels as if they're asking impossible questions like 'What is the theme of this one non-fiction sentence?' Kill me now.

I sighed as I opened my English textbook. I quickly wrote down the words that I had difficulty translating on flashcards and reviewed them over and over again. It got to the point where I was falling asleep from flipping through the cards. I decided to end studying for English and review over my Science review that was for homework. I tried to concentrate, but an annoying Ding! kept going off. I decided to take a break and look at my phone.

Heyyyy can u ft me rn?


Ya, now

fine, call me first

Incoming Facetime call from THE REAL OG ONG SEONGWOOOOOOO😜
Decline | Accept

Seongwoo's face popped up from the screen.

"Oh hey! Can you hear me?" Seongwoo put his phone close to his forehead. I forgot that he isn't used to using Facetime. He can really act like a grandpa when he needs to.

"Yes Seongwoo, I can hear you." I rolled my eyes at him. He pulled his phone away from his face. It seemed like he was in bed, based on the background.

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