Chapter 4: Nightmares

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Yoon Sejin's POV:

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Yoon Sejin's POV:

I heard a piercing, psychotic laugh when I awoke. No, it wasn't Kim Jaehwan's because it was nastier than his. I tried to move my arms, but they were chained. Slowly, a dark figure came up to me. It lifted my head up and forced me to look at them straight in the eye. It was Mingyun.

"Now, now. How does it feel to know that you're trapped here and have no connection to Seongwoo or anyone else? Do you feel hopeless now?" She turned something on and light was shining on my face. I couldn't see anything in front of me. Her laughter filled the amount of space that remained. It pierced through my ears and thrashed around in my head. I tried to say something, but my voice failed me.

"Aww. Did a cat get your tongue?" She laughed again. "Bring him in." 

The sound of a door opened and the shuffling of feet was heard. The sounds of metal clanking onto the walls amplified in the dark room. I screamed. I didn't know what she was planning, but I had a feeling that it wasn't good. I felt something go in my mouth and I lost my voice. 

"Sejin. Sejin. SEJIN WAKEUP!" 

I woke up to see Seongwoo shaking me vigorously. He touched my cheek to wipe away something. 

"Why are you crying?" He asked tenderly.I reached up to my cheek and felt something wet. I touched the other cheek and the same thing was felt. 

"It was nothing." I lied. He reached over and embraced me. 

"Can you stop lying to me? I'm right here for you." He patted my back and continued to hug me. I pulled away from him and wiped my tears.

"How did you get in here anyway?" I asked him trying to lighten up the mood. He laughed.

"Through the window, silly. That's how I've always come to your room!" I laughed.

"Just admit you waltzed through the front door and ran up to my room." I pestered him. He held his hands up.

"Alright, you got me. Your brother just called me because he said that you were screaming and he couldn't wake you up. Your mom and dad are out on a date right now." He admitted.

"I was screaming?" I asked. I could feel my throat hurt, as if I had been yelling for a long time.

"Yeah! Even I could hear you next door. So of course, I had to come over and see what was happening." He was speaking even quieter than before. I slapped his arm.

"Idiot. You didn't have to come for me. What time is it anyway?"


"Seriously though." I looked at him as serious as I could.

"I am. Look at your clock." He pointed at my digital clock. It said 12:01.

"CRAP! How long have I been sleeping?" I stared at the clock in disbelief.

"Umm, I assume since 7. I dropped you off at around 6, so you've been sleeping for 5 hours." Seongwoo calculated. God, he looked hot even in the dark. I mentally shook my head.

What the heck was I thinking? Seongwoo deserved better than me and besides, he only sees me as a friend. Nothing more.

"Man, I must've been really tired huh?" I laughed. "And who goes out on a date at midnight? My parents sure are weird." Seongwoo laughed with me.

"I guess I can see where you and your brother get your weirdness from." I slapped his arm again.

"Shut up. I'm not weird. Only my brother." I declared with confidence. I heard him mutter something. "What was that?" 

I leaned closer to mock him for being quiet. He grabbed my ear and tugged.

"Ow, ow, ow." I pulled free from him. He laughed at me.

"Doesn't this remind you of something that happened earlier?" He reminisced. I smiled at the memory of me doing the same thing to hima few days before.

"That was a great moment, wasn't it?" I said, my voice drifting off. My eyes started to get heavy and I fell asleep. The only thing I remember after I said that was a warm embrace and some words that were inaudible.

It was the week before finals and I could not have been more excited. AKA, I wanted to die. Why? First of, it's finals week. Yay. Secondly, I was slammed into the lockers by Mingyun's goons once I got to school. 

"Mingyun unnie wanted you to know to lay off of her boyfriend and then you'll be able to live happier." One of them said, her nose high in the air. 

She proceeded to show a picture from her phone. It was a picture of Seongwoo cuddling me when I was asleep, a week ago. My face turned pale as I remembered what happened the night before. Guilt ran through me as realization came over. 

"Please," I begged. "I won't hang around him anymore, just leave him out of the rumors. Tell her that she can do whatever she wants with me. Just leave Seongwoo out of this." 

I was grabbing the hems of their outfits, begging them even more. I felt tears go down my face as I desperately tried to get them to delete the picture. They roughly pushed me off as they looked at me in disgust. 

"Oh, would you stop! You're getting your dirty hands all over me! My daddy just bought this sweater for me." The girl complained.

"C'mon. Let's get out of here before she dirties us even more." They left giggling at their success. 

I, on the other hand, mentally stuck the middle finger at them before collapsing on the floor. Collecting my sanity back together, I stood up from the ground, trying to wipe away the tears that was wasted. While walking, I tripped and almost fell. Someone caught me.

"Now, you're gonna have to tell me what the hell is going on." I looked up to see Park Woojin holding me. I stood up and waved him off.

"It's nothing. I just tripped on air." He looked at me suspiciously.

"Come to our practice after school and talk to me then." I nodded before realizing that Seongwoo was going to be there as well.

"Well, sorry, but I can't. I'm busy with, uh," I hesitated. "The Netflix binge club!" 

"There's a Netflix binge club?" He looked shocked to hear it. I nodded.

"Mmmhmm. It meets every Tuesday and Friday to discuss the different shows and which ones to binge watch. I'm the vice president of the club, so I have to be there for every meeting! You didn't know?" I pointed out. Woojin shook his head.

Thank god my brother created that club before he left. The problem was that we don't start meetings until the president decided to meet. And she never wanted to meet since it was Sungmi, who is one of the laziest people I know. She would rather stay at home and watch Netflix, then talk about the shows. She does hold meetings though, but only in the beginning of the year to get more recruits for our club and at the end to hold elections for the next president. 

It just so happens that this week was the week she would be holding the elections. Other than that, her motto is 'If you need to get out of a tough situation, use this club as an excuse!' I will say that because of the motto, many students have decided to join.

"But today's Monday." Crap, I didn't think about that.

"Oh. Then today after school it is!" I reluctantly agreed and it was almost time for class to begin. 


edit: i suck at writing so sorry for the crappy work

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