Chapter 14: Late

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⟨lol its seongwoo and his bag⟩

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⟨lol its seongwoo and his bag⟩

Yoon Sejin's POV:

Pick me, pick me, pick me up~ Seongwoo's alarm went off as I slowly woke up from my sleep. When I opened my eyes, I was greeted with Seongwoo's face. He seemed to wake up from the alarm, but was refusing to get up. I started to blush profusely and decided to go turn off his alarm to get my mind off of things. However, I couldn't get out of bed. Seongwoo's legs were wrapped around mine and his arms were hugging me, not letting go.

"Seongwoo. Can you go turn off your alarm?" I quietly asked him.

"Hmm?" He leaned in closer. He looked so cute being all drowsy in the morning. "I didn't catch that."

"Do you like IOI that much? Their Pick Me song is still playing." I told him. He suddenly opened his eyes and tried to get out of bed. I guess he didn't realize that he hugged me because when he tried to get out, he fell on the floor. I looked down from the bed. He was rubbing his back to reduce the pain of falling from the bed.

"No, it's just that they happen to be my alarm." He stood up to go turn off his phone. Once he did, he sheepishly turned towards me. "So, uh, how are we supposed to change?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Can't you just wait outside for me to finish changing and then you change?" I questioned him.

"That would work if it was actually six in the morning. It's seven, Sejin." He stated. Crap. School was gonna start in thirty minutes. We both looked at each other before screaming the same thing.

"I CALL THE BATHROOM FIRST!" We screamed at each other.

"Nuh, uh!" Seongwoo ran out of the room and slammed the bathroom door shut.

"Aish! Fine, then I'll go ahead and change first!" I screamed at him. I took off my pajamas and threw on my school uniform. Next, I ran out of Seongwoo's room, banging on the bathroom door.

"Wait! I'm taking a dump!" Seongwoo screamed.

"Well, could you hurry up? I need the toilet or else I'm gonna pee my pants!" I screamed back at him.

"Use the downstairs bathroom!" He screamed. "This one is a mighty one!"

"AISH!" I ran downstairs, passing Mr. Ong, who was on the way out to work.

"Oh, hey Sejin! How are you?" He asked. I bowed in respect.

"I'm doing fine. Could you somehow make your son hurry up in the bathroom? I need to brush my teeth and my toothbrush is still in there." I told him before running to the bathroom downstairs. I finished my business and walked back upstairs. Seongwoo opened the door right when I got there.

"Here." He put my toothbrush in my hand. "We have 10 minutes left before we're late to school." Once we finished brushing our teeth, we grabbed a roll of bread that Seongwoo's mom left for us as breakfast. We ran to the bus stop, only to find out that it left already. We booked it to school, hoping that we wouldn't be late when we arrived at first period.

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