Alternative Epilogue

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i wanted to preface this chapter by saying THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL EPILOGUE. if you dont like it go reread the previous chapter called 'Epilogue'. k, enjoy this ;) (ps play the bgm in the media above^^ for a better affect)

and ay ay ay. ya girl managed to write two endings in one day (heh, heh, i have so much homework to do) *regrets decision of writing this*

 ya girl managed to write two endings in one day (heh, heh, i have so much homework to do) *regrets decision of writing this*

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Third Person POV:

Seongwoo woke up from his sleep to find himself blinded by the white light of the hospital. Once his vision cleared, he noticed Jihoon sitting on his bedside, fast asleep. Seongwoo shook the boy awake, questions flooding his head. 

"Hyung!" Jihoon cried out. "You're awake!" Arms wrapped themselves around Seongwoo, as the Senior looked confused at the event. 

"What happened?" The boy asked, in confusion. 

"Don't you remember, you fell." Jihoon told him. The memories flooded Seongwoo's mind as he remembered himself jumping down the roof, hugging Sejin. 

"I-I remember," Seongwoo stuttered as worry began to sink in. "Where is she?" Jihoon remained silent as Seongwoo continued to freak out about Sejin. Seongwoo grabbed Jihoon's collar, trying to deny that Jihoon's silence meant bad news. "Where is she?!" 

Jihoon remained silent. 

The door slid open as the doctor came in. It was Jisung. He came in, changed out the flowers and walked out. Seongwoo called out to the doctor, but no response. A string of curse words came out of him as he tried to pull out his IV tube. 

"H-hyung. I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jihoon told Seongwoo. 

"And why? I want to go see Sejin, and the doctor won't tell me shit." He pulled out the IV plug and tried to get up. 

On his first attempt, he almost collapsed. He tried again, and a wave of nauseousness came over. Jihoon got up to set him down and put his IV back into his arm. Seongwoo swapped his hand away and stood up, for the third time that day. Jisung came in at that moment and forced Seongwoo to sit back down. 

"Seongwoo, it's better for you if you stay in bed." Jisung told the boy as he switched out the IV. 

"Why?" Seongwoo said, almost commanding. Jisung signaled for Jihoon to leave, who quietly left the room. He took a deep breath before starting to explain the situation. 

"Are you sure you want to know what happened?" Jisung asked. Seongwoo nodded. "She chose you over her." 

"What do you mean?" 

-A few moments earlier-

Jisung paced back and forth between the two beds. The constant beeping from the heart rate monitor kept jumping around. Jisung checked his watch. 3 more hours before they were both completely helpless. 

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