Chapter 8: Late Night Homework

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{staaaahhhhppp i need to stay loyal to woojin staaaaahhhp ruining my bias list}

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{staaaahhhhppp i need to stay loyal to woojin staaaaahhhp ruining my bias list}

Yoon Sejin's POV

After taking a shower, my mom and dad weren't waiting for me by the table like normal. They left a post-it that said 'Jisung-ah, Sejin-ah, I'm sorry that we aren't home. It's just that your dad has a lot of work going on, and he asked me to help him out. Eat whatever you can from the fridge. Love, mom <3'

"Well, we have leftover salad, ew, some fruit, and rice. Plus, we have ramen somewhere in this house. What do you want?" Jisung looked at me from the fridge.

"I'll have Ramen with one egg please!" I ordered from the dinner table. Jisung smiled and started to prepare the ramen. When he was done, he put down a bowl for me and a bowl for him. He then went to get the ramen and placed it on the table. Later, he left again to get chopsticks for each of us.

"Jal meokgesseumnida!" We both said at the same time. All that was heard was the slurping sounds of the ramen entering our mouths.

"Sejin, I know you didn't want to say anything in front of Seongwoo, so now can you tell me?" He was referring to the incident that happened before I passed out.

"Well, Mingyun's sidekicks dunked my head into the toilet and kept flushing it over and over. They wouldn't stop until, I guess, I passed out." I told him. He stopped slurping.

"Until you passed out?! Sejin, you need to tell the front office of the abuse that is going on. You've been bullied by her for the past seven years!" He complained.

"I know, I know. It's just that I don't want the authorities to get involved. It might be because of the fact that she still likes Seongwoo." I told him. He put down his chopsticks.

"Look at me Sejin." I looked into his eyes. "I know you want to forgive Mingyun in every ounce of your body, but look at the bigger picture. She's hurting you. She's taking advantage of you. You need to stop her from doing this. Tell her to fuck off or tell the administrators. I won't get involved this time, but if she tries to kill you again, I will tell the authorities, regardless of your opinion on the matter. Okay?" He looked dead serious when he said this. I knew he was serious because he rarely cursed around me. I nodded in agreement, and he patted my head like I was a dog.

"Hey, can you stop messing up my hair?" I told him. He continued to pat my head and messed it up. "Hey, stop it."

"Aww, does my baby sister want to impress someone? Who could it be? Seongwoo?" He teased me. I blushed when he said Seongwoo's name.

"S-stop it!" I stuttered. He laughed like a brother teasing their sister would.

"Just admit that you like Seongwoo." He told me. "I mean, all you ever do is talk about him."

"I do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!" Ding dong! We both looked at each other and in the front door's direction. "Fine, I'll go get it." Jisung stood up to get the door.

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