Chapter 15: Confession

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Yoon Sejin's POV:

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Yoon Sejin's POV:

The final bell rang for school to end.

"Don't forget to finish the homework that was assigned at the beginning of class!" My Korean Writing teacher screamed at us, who were running out of the class. Sungmi waited for me to finish packing my stuff before we headed to the studio. On the way to the studio Seongwoo grabbed my collar.

"Did you forget that we have detention?" Seongwoo smiled cheekily at me. I gave off a nervous laugh. "Sorry, Sungmi. We have to get to detention. Could you tell the guys that I landed a detention? Thanks!" He was starting to drag me off to our English teacher's class.

When we arrived, the teacher wasn't there. Instead, he left a note on his door. The note said, 'All detentions are to be held next door à' Seongwoo and I both turned our heads to see which teacher it was. We then turned towards each other.

"You wanna skip?" He asked.  I hesitated. "C'mon, Sejin. Even you would want to skip. It's Mrs. Choi! Why would you want to go back to her class?"

"But wouldn't that mean we have double detention for skipping?" I asked. Seongwoo sighed and dragged me into the room.

"Welcome. Sign in on the paper and sit down wherever you would like to." Mrs. Choi didn't look up. Seongwoo and I looked at each other before signing in on the roster. We then chose the very far back corner of the room to sit. Mrs. Choi looked up. "Are you two the students that Mr. Song sent?" (A/N: no not Song Joonki, he's too nice)

"Yes ma'am." Seongwoo replied.

"Good. I expect you two to work on whatever homework you have, quietly. If I hear a single word coming out of your mouths, I will report this to Mr. Song. Got it?" We both nodded. "Good."

We pulled out our homework from the classes from before and began to work on them. At some point through the detention, Seongwoo fell asleep. Of course, Mrs. Choi didn't notice since she was busy with her crossword puzzle. I rolled my eyes at the sleeping Senior and continued to finish my final piece of homework. It was a new review packet for science, and I had one more question left. When I finished the last question, detention was over.

"Whoopee!" Seongwoo jumped out of his seat once he heard that detention was over. Mrs. Choi glared at him for screaming. "Oops, sorry." He bowed. I neatly started to pack my things together for the trip back home. We bowed goodbye to Mrs. Choi before walking out and leaving the school.

"Man! I was so stressed out while sitting there. I can't believe that you fell asleep!" I pointed at Seongwoo. He held his hands up, acting as if he was ready to be arrested.

"Hey, don't blame me. I was tired and wanted to take a nap. That's all. We are going to your house today, right?" He changed the topic.

"Yeah, why?" I looked at him in confusion.

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