Chapter 23: Curtain Call

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►its the last chapter

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►its the last chapter. enjoy this gif since im pretty sure this is the only thing that's gonna be pleasant (oh and listen to the media to add to the mood;))◄

Third Person POV

Sejin woke up to Seongwoo's singing. Even after their breakup, she still woke up to his voice. Finals had already passed and Seongwoo and Sejin were still a bit awkward around each other. The rankings came out on the Friday on the week of finals and Sejin got rank one. Surprisingly, Seongwoo got rank 53 out of 300 students. That was the best he has ever done in his life. Everyone in the school knew that the couple broke up after 3 days of dating.

It was Tuesday, the week after finals, and the second to last day of school. It was also a coincidence that it was the day of the talent show, which was going to start at 12 pm. Sejin checked the time on her phone. It was 9:00 am. The talent show was going to start in 3 hours. Sejin picked out her uniform from her pile of clothes that was on the floor. She dressed in it and went to brush her teeth.

Sejin ran downstairs, kissed her mom and dad goodbye before going into the Wanna One Café. The girl that she had talked to before wasn't there anymore. She didn't mind because she didn't want to see anyone that had some connection to him. She ordered a coffee and honey glazed roll before leaving the café. She unconsciously walked to the park that he asked her out at. She smiled a bittersweet smile before she walked to the center of the park.

The center of the park held a fountain that flowed out glistening water. Near the fountain were senior citizens practicing yoga and finding their inner peace. A few parents were taking a walk with their child and a couple of kids were found skipping school walking their dog. Sejin quietly ate her roll and drank her coffee as she witnessed the scene before her. She looked down at her watch. 9:54.

Seongwoo woke up bright and early. He had a dress rehearsal to attend to during the talent show. When he arrived, his crew was waiting for him.

"Hey, Seongwoo!" Daniel called out to him.

"Hey, man." They did a bro hug before Seongwoo went to fist bump the other boys. "So, Woojin. How does it feel to know you're gonna take my place and be co-leader with Daniel?"

Woojin looked flustered at the older guy's comment. "It feels great."

Youngmin wrapped his arms around the younger guy. "Dude! You're gonna do fine. You and Daniel can choreograph, plus you'll have Jihoon to help you. Just focus on trying to attract the ladies and getting recruits who could attract them."

Seongwoo chuckled at his same year buddy. "Well, I have one person in mind." Woojin muttered.

"101% Dance Crew, it's your turn to be on stage." Sungmi came to tell them.

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