Chapter 16: Official

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⎨the visuals wtf⎬

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⎨the visuals wtf⎬

Yoon Sejin's POV:

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked me with eyes searching mine for an answer.

"Yes." He leaned in and we shared a kiss. When we pulled away, I put my fingers up to my lips. His lips were soft and felt nice. I couldn't help but blush at his sudden action.

"Sorry, did I do something wrong?" He started to rub the back of his neck. I shook my head.

"No, you didn't. It's just that the, the.." I couldn't say it.

"The kiss?" He smiled and pinched my cheeks. "Aww, are you shy to even say the word kiss?" I blushed.

"it's just that it was my first." I spoke quietly.

"What was that?" Seongwoo leaned in.

"I said that it was my first kiss!" I yelled at him, closing my eyes and blushing. He ruffled my hair.

"C'mon, we better get to your house or else both of our moms and your brother will kill us for being out so late." He offered his hand, and I intertwined mine with his.

When we arrived at my house, my mom opened the door and welcomed us in.

"Come dear, come. I've already prepared dinner and I guess after that you two are gonna hit the books, right?" We nodded, not letting go of our hands. I assume my mom saw it because she winked at us and stood right in front our hands.

"Oh look! There the two are!" My brother pointed out. Seongwoo and I let go of each other. I ran to the table to claim my seat. Seongwoo followed suit and chose to sit next to me. Butterflies filled my stomach as Seongwoo was really close to me.

"Jal meokgesseumnida!" We all said before digging into the hotpot that my mom made for us. Once we devoured it, Seongwoo and I went to my room to start studying.

"Alright, we should start practicing our math and writing skills." I announced.

"Aww, can't we do that a bit later?" Seongwoo complained. He gave me a back hug and nuzzled his head into my shoulder. I started to blush again at his sudden move.

"No, we have finals next week and today is Wednesday. Not to mention, you have to prepare for the end of the year talent show that's being held the week after next while I have an election coming up." I informed him.

"Fine." He agreed. "But then after that, could we go on an official date?" I chuckled at him. He was attempting to do aegyo, and it was kind of working.

"Sorry, but Jisung is across the hall and my mom and dad's room are near the door. Even if we tried, we would get caught. Just study alright?" I patted his head.

"Hmmph! You're no fun at all." Seongwoo pouted before opening the math textbook and practicing problems that were given. I sighed before opening up my Korean Writing textbook and rereading the different grammar rules.

After an hour of doing this, Seongwoo and I switched textbooks and studied the second subject. My mom came in to give us fruit and Jisung came in later to check that we were actually studying and not goofing around. By the time we were done, it was around 9 o'clock.

"Jeez, I'm tired." Seongwoo plopped down on my bed. "How much more do we have to study for?" I laughed at his suffering. The door suddenly opened and Jisung's head popped through.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Nothing, just wanting to check on how this study session is going." He stated before walking in.

"It's fine." I told him.

"Hyung!" Seongwoo popped up. "You have no idea how painful this is." He started to cling on to Jisung and acting cute. "I've been dying for the past two hours!" He plopped back onto the bed. Jisung laughed at this.

"Aigoo, has my sister been pushing you hard?" He turned to me. "You should stop pushing so hard, Sejin. Senior finals aren't as bad as compared to Junior finals."

"Says the person who only studied Senior year and slept during Junior year."

"ANYWAY. You guys will do fine. Just go to sleep, you still have two more days of school before finals which means that teachers are gonna be pushing for good scores these next two days." Jisung stood up to leave. "Oh yeah, and why didn't you two just announce that you guys were dating? Jeez, you're so loud." He left, closing the door. We blushed once he left.

"Why don't we follow what he said and go to sleep?" Seongwoo proposed.

"Y-yeah." I agreed. Jisung popped through the door.

"Oh, and if I hear one single sound coming from this room that says you two are screwing around, I will tear you apart." Jisung threatened.

"Hyung! I don't see her in that light!" Seongwoo complained.

"Sure, you don't." Jisung winked at Seongwoo. "Night~" He went out before throwing my sleeping bag in the room.

"Well, I'm not sleeping there." Seongwoo pointed at the bag.

"Me neither." I said. "You're the one that has to go."

"What about guests are always right?" He asked. I mentally cursed.

"Well, uh, I have to change real quick, so you can go brush your teeth while I'm changing." I told him. I pushed him out of my room and shut the door. I breathed out an air of relief as I began my plan.

Once I finished changing, the room seemed like a huge mess. Everything that even belonged to Seongwoo was on the sleeping bag, and all of my textbooks were on the bed. Proud of the mess I made, I opened the door and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Hey, where's your toothpaste?" Seongwoo asked holding his toothbrush. I rolled my eyes.

"Here, you can go brush in the downstairs bathroom because I need to take a shower." I gave him the toothpaste.

"Why don't we brush our teeth together and then you can take a shower?" He proposed. He held up my toothbrush and was already putting the toothpaste on it. He placed the toothbrush in my hand and moved my hand to be in my mouth. I gave in and brushed my teeth with him.

We brushed our teeth in an awkward silence because one, he was half naked, and two, I was carrying my change of clothes in my arm. Once we finished, I kicked Seongwoo out and locked the door. I proceeded to turn on the shower head and take a nice warm shower. 

SO MUCH FLUFF itsactuallysocringytowriteandread

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