Chapter 7: Consuming Thoughts

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Yoon Sejin's POV:

"Alright, she's too heavy. Let's switch Seongwoo." Jisung was panting. We only got on the elevator from his clinic in the hospital and to the main entrance and he was already tired.

"Alright, hyung. If you insist." I got down from Jisung and got on Seongwoo. To be honest, Seongwoo was a little bit more comfortable. I could easily bury my head into his shoulder and not get hurt and I didn't hear any loud panting noises from the guy. From the occasional times he readjusted me, it wasn't a bad ride.

"Man Seongwoo, if you weren't in high school and in college, I would've asked you to marry my sister." Jisung joked. I, however, slapped him. "I thought you were asleep!" Seongwoo laughed at us.

"What're you laughing at?" I asked him while pouting. He turned to look at me and smiled before he talked.

"Man, you look so cute, I could pinch your cheeks!" He said. I blushed at his comment and buried my face into his shoulder.

"Aww, look at my sister blushing. I would say that she likes you if I didn't know that you were friends." Jisung pinched my cheeks. I threatened to hit him with my fist. "But in all seriousness, how did you knock out?" Jisung looked at me with a serious expression. I looked down and buried myself in Seongwoo's shoulder again.

"It was her. Her sidekicks dunked me in a toilet and flushed the toilet over and over again." I muttered.

"What was that?" Jisung leaned closer. Seongwoo didn't say anything. "Did you hear her?" Jisung was directing his question to Seongwoo.

"Yeah." He answered quietly.

"Then could you tell me?" Jisung pried Seongwoo for answers. I could feel Seongwoo's head turning towards me. I remained silent and didn't move. "Well, since this is getting nowhere, I'll ask something else."

With this, Jisung moved to the other side and whispered something in Seongwoo's ear. I raised my head and tried to move it so that I could hear what was going on, but Jisung's hand pushed it away.

Seongwoo's ears started to turn red and his face was becoming red like a tomato. Suddenly, there was something growing out of his pants and it wasn't stopping.

"Hey, Seongwoo? What's that?" I pointed at the thing that was growing. At this, Jisung took me off of my current ride and put me down. He then proceeded to carry me.

"Seongwoo, it better not be about what I whispered to you. If you dare try to think of my sister in that light, I will kill you." Jisung threatened.

"Oppa, what is it?" I asked Jisung. He waved it off. By now, Seongwoo was far ahead of us and was practically running home.

"You may be a Senior, but you are one innocent Senior." Jisung pointed out. (A/N: I swear this is going to be my friend in the future)

"What do you mean?" I pondered. I had no idea what Jisung was talking about and kept pestering him to tell me.

"You'll find out when you get married and have children!" He teased me. I hit his head. "Yah! Don't disrespect your brother!"

Ong Seongwoo's POV

I can't believe Jisung hyung said that. I was already home and in bed while thinking about what he said to me. Even worse, I can't believe I got a boner from what he said.

"Ohh, why can't I just get myself together?" I whined. I was so grateful that Sejin never learned about sex and boners. Her brother raised her right, but she is too innocent. Not to mention, she doesn't even bother to tell me when Mingyun bullied her.


It was time for dance practice to start, and Daniel and I had to figure out a way to recruit new students for the next year. We already told the others to not come since it was just a leader meeting only.

"Well, what if we danced in front of the whole school?" Daniel proposed.

"Nah. There isn't a time where the whole school is gathered. Besides, that would only attract more girls to scream at us during practice, and we wouldn't want our performances to be leaked." I told him. He agreed and we were back at the chopping board. "Man, what's taking Sejin so long?"

I decided to bring Sejin with me to dance practice because one, she always manages to propose the right ideas on how to recruit people and two, her mom and dad didn't trust her to walk home alone. Jisung was out on a trip at the time. I told Daniel that I was gonna go find Sejin and that he should still think up of ways to invite more recruits. When I walked in the direction of the bathroom, I heard whimpering in the classroom near it. I peeked inside to see something that I wasn't expecting.

Sejin was on the floor cowering in fear as Mingyun lifted up a chair. Sejin seemed to be in so much pain and Mingyun didn't look like the Mingyun that I knew. She looked so scary and menancing compared to the innocent and happy Mingyun.

"What did I say about Seongwoo?" She asked, giving Sejin no personal space whatsoever.

"To leave him alone and stop flirting with him. But I did that! I never flirted with-" Mingyun slapped her.

"Keep on lying to yourself. You knew full well before we started dating to not interfere with our relationship. For disobeying your orders, you have to be punished." She took the nearest chair and hit Sejin on the shoulder. Somehow, Sejing managed to move in the right moment and only get her shoulder damaged. But looking at the impact, she seemed to be really hurt. I took a step towards the classroom, but stopped.

"Please." Sejin was in tears. "I won't flirt with him. I'll make sure that there are other guys around us. Only one girl would be with us, just please don't bring Seongwoo into this. Don't do anything to hurt him. You can hurt me all you want, just don't hurt Seongwoo." Sejin was begging Mingyun at this point.

"I won't have to if you keep silent about everything and leave him alone." Mingyun stated. "Now then, I have to go see my baby practicing. Ta ta!" I quickly ran back to the studio and pretended to work with Daniel on which way is better for us to recruit more people. That was when I decided I needed to break up with her. But in the end, it took a few weeks before I built the courage to end things.

-end of flashback-

'Man, why was I so scared? I could've stopped the chair from hitting Sejin.' I rolled around even more in bed. 'Was it because I couldn't accept reality?' I shook my head. That wasn't why I didn't stop the chair. It was because of Sejin's speech. It seemed like she really wanted me to stay out of her business.

"AISH!" I yelled. The speech came after the chair, so why was I not able to stop the chair?

'Because you were scared.' A little voice in my head told me. Yes, I was scared. I was scared that what I saw was a dream. I was scared that if Mingyun saw me stop the chair, that she would hit me instead. Most of all, I was scared that if I interfered, I would lose my best friend forever. No, not my best friend, my first true love.

now i feel like the story has some plot; it may not be good but oh well

oh and i might not be updating as much for the next two days or so because hurricane harvey is gonna hit soon (im not in the front line of its hit) and they predicted there might not be any electricity for the weekend meaning no wifi. no wifi=no update

sorry :/ i cant stop the hurricane

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