Chapter 3: Bandages

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//omg i am done with these two//

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//omg i am done with these two//

Yoon Sejin's POV:

Finally, practice finished and everyone started to pack up their things. I waited for Seongwoo to finish his business with Mingyun and grabbed my bags. What I didn't expect was Mingyun to run towards me crying.

"It's all your fault, you bitch. If you didn't flirt with him, I wouldn't have been in this state. You're gonna pay." She said her words with so much hate that I started to feel terrified even more. I looked at Daniel for answers, but he shook his head. He didn't know what was going on either. Finally, we saw Seongwoo step out from the studio connected to the practice room walking out with heavy steps. He fell and started to cry. Daniel and I ran to Seongwoo and attempted to comfort the guy.

"Hyung, what happened?" Daniel asked. Seongwoo shook his head and sullenly walked to his bag, slowly picking it up. I took it as my cue to follow him out of the practice room.

"I'll tell you tomorrow at lunch." I quickly whispered to Daniel before leaving the room with Seongwoo.

It was still an awkward silence before we were a few minutes from entering our neighborhood. It didn't help that it was raining and I forgot my umbrella.

"Seongwoo, can you tell me what happened?" I plucked up the courage to ask. He sighed before he hugged me in a tight embrace. My heart beat twice as fast and I felt my face heat up. I hugged him back and comforted him the best I could.

"I broke up with Mingyun." He buried his head into my shoulders. I patted his back and let him stay there. My stomach started to hurt because of the tight embrace, but I ignored it.

"It's ok, there are plenty of fish in the sea." I told him. He released the hug before grabbing my arm. He then proceeded to pull up the sleeves of my hoodie. "H-hey. What are you doing?" I tried to pull away, but he continued to stare at the bruises. "STOP!" 

I finally pulled away and was free from his grip.

"How long? How long did you have to endure this pain?" Seongwoo looked at me, his eyes filled with tears.

"It's none of your business." I turned away. I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm, preventing me from walking any further.

"It is my business. Tell me. How long?"

"Ever since she knew you liked her." I told him. Technically, ever since she knew he was the dance crew's leader, which was longer than when she knew he liked her.

"So, five years? FIVE YEARS?" He was screaming at me at this point. I tried to remove my arm from his grip, but he wouldn't let go. "Please tell me that you're lying." He was whispering now.

"I am. It's been seven years." I whispered even quieter.

"What was that?" He didn't seem to hear what I just said.

"I'm not lying. It's been five years more or less." I turned around to face him, tears were forming in my eyes. "Please don't tell me that you broke up with her because of me." 

I got on my knees and was practically begging him at this point. He looked down at me in disbelief of how weak I seemed. He then proceeded to pick me up like a bride and continued to walk down the street. We were like this for the rest of the way until we arrived at my house.

"Where else did you get hurt?" He put me down. 

I looked down and couldn't say anything else. Before I knew it, he grabbed the bottom of my hoodie and pulled it up. Even though I had my school uniform underneath, he could still see the bruises on my stomach. I pulled away from him and pushed down my hoodie. I ran inside before he could find out about the many times Mingyun hit my head and my shoulder injury.

"Hey sweetie! How was your day?" My mom greeted me when I came in. "Did you forget your umbrella again?" I nodded before I looked up.

"I'm gonna go take a shower, ok mom?" I smiled to hide the pain that was going on. She nodded and reminded me to change into to cleaner clothes. 

I turned on the water for the bath and took off my clothes and entered the warm water. I soaked in there, crying about how Mingyun could easily control my life with just a snap from her finger. I then proceeded to grab the hot pack in the storage area above the bathtub. I put the hot pack on my shoulder in hopes that the bruise would go away faster.

'How did he find out? Will he hate me now that he knows I haven't told him?' Those thoughts were circling my brain until my brother came into the bathroom. I screamed. He screamed.

"YAH! YOON JISUNG! GET OUT OF HERE AS FAST AS YOU CAN OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU!" I grabbed the brush from the storage cabinet and threw it at him. He ran out and closed the door before screaming something back at me.

"IF YOU WERE GONNA TAKE A BATH AT LEAST LOCK THE DOOR!" He screamed through the door. I sighed. I knew he was right and continued to sulk. He opened the door slightly and poked his head in. I threw the body wash bottle at him.

"GET OUT OF HERE AND RESPECT A GIRL'S PRIVACY!" I screamed at him again. I suddenly felt pain in my shoulder and stomach. I realized that I screamed at the top of lungs, hurting my stomach, and threw two things at my brother using my injured arm. I cursed at how stupid I was.

"Geez, I was just checking to see if you were alive..." I smiled at his remark. 

That was something I was glad to have. My brother's humor and his sense of time. He knew just when to be funny at the right moments. Once I finished my soak, I drained out the water and proceeded to wrap a towel around me. I ran out of the bathroom and into my room to change. Once I changed into clean clothes, my brother was waiting for me when I opened the door.

"What now?" I asked him with an irritated tone. He looked serious.

"Come to my room." He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. He then proceeded to pull out elastic bandages. Once he took them out, he grabbed my wrists. "When was this?"

"Today." I told him sheepishly.

"Ong's girl?" He continued while carefully wrapping the bruises.

"Ex, now. He found out somehow." I told him. 

That was another thing I was grateful for. My brother had a serious side if necessary, thus I've managed to comfortably tell him everything with him understanding how I want to approach things. Jisung proceeded to take off my shirt and look at my injuries. I covered my breasts out of habit and he sighed.

"Well, he was bound to find out. Lift up your arm, I need to bandage your shoulder." I lifted up my right arm and he continued to wrap the bandage around my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. How did he know Seongwoo was going to find out?

"You can put your arm down. Now, sit up straight. Your stomach needs bandaging. Does your head hurt, before I bandage your stomach?" I sat up straighter, shook my head and grabbed my shirt. I put it on but kept it up to let Jisung continue to bandage my stomach. "There was gonna be a time where he needed to talk to one of you and saw her beating you up. There, you're all fixed. I'm not studying to become a surgeon for nothing alright? Remember to use ice packs to lessen the swelling alright?" 

I nodded and kissed his cheek. "You're the best Jisung!"

"OPPA!" He screamed after me when I went downstairs to eat my dinner. I ate my dinner in a rush and ran back upstairs to room. 

I wish I never fell asleep in the first place. 


edit: i hated that last sentence. 

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