Chapter 5: Witnesses

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«gah he's so awkward and small and cute; btw woojin has an importance (ish) in this chapter »

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«gah he's so awkward and small and cute; btw woojin has an importance (ish) in this chapter »

Yoon Sejin's POV:

It was Science with Mr. Kim, and surprisingly, I actually liked him. Turns out that Mr. Kim was the only teacher that Jisung took seriously since he could tolerate Jisung's madness. And since he gave us a review of what his test was like, it didn't seem as hard anymore. 

"Psst. Hey Sejin. Do you happen to know the answer to question number 1 on the homework?" Seongwoo asked me. I shook my head.

"I don't know." I covered my homework so he wouldn't see that I lied to him.

"You liar. Thanks for the answer though." He smiled cheekily and wrote my answer down, word for word. In revenge, I took his pencil away as well as his pens and stuffed them in my bag. "Hey! Give them back!" He whispered-yelled. I shook my head again.

I looked down and continued to work on my homework while pretending that nothing happened. Seongwoo gave up trying to take his writing utensils back and asked Daniel for a pencil. Daniel, being the nice person that he is, gave him one. Seongwoo stuck his tongue out at me and continued to work.

RIIINNNGGG! The bell rang for lunch and everyone ran outside of the class to be first in line, Seongwoo and Daniel included. I, on the other hand, walked out casually only to see my spot being taken by the wonderful person herself, Kim Mingyun. I looked at Woojin and Jihoon for an answer but both shrugged which meant that she was there before they were.

"Oh! Sejin! Just the person I wanted to talk to! Come, follow me. I need to talk to you privately about our English project from first period!" Mingyun and I both knew that it wasn't about any project nor was it school related at all. It was at that moment, Sungmi decided to step in.

"Look Mingyun. Get over it already. Seongwoo broke up with you for a good reason, so be mature and move on. If Seongwoo moved on, then you should be able to move on." Sungmi calmly stated. I was mouthing to her to stop before she could get hurt.

"How did you know he broke up with her?" I asked Sungmi.

"Umm, you know, I may have overheard you telling Daniel last week. But that's a different story for another time."

"Ooh hoo hoo. So the bitch's friend decides to protect the bitch herself. Well listen here, you ass. Seongwoo broke up with me because he cheated on me. With who? This bitch." She pointed at me. "I have proof that he cheated on me with her." 

She pulled out her phone and showed the picture of Seongwoo and I on the bed (A/N: the cuddling one, you dirty readers). The freshmen and Sungmi closely examined the pic.

"If you took this picture, then wouldn't that mean you trespassed onto someone else's property?" Sungmi pointed out. Mingyun's face blushed at her remark. By this point, everyone was staring at our table, waiting for the drama to unfold.

"Well, uh, one my friends took this picture. She happened to live in their neighborhood, that's all." She attempted to defend herself, but I guess she didn't do her homework. You see, Sungmi is studying to become a lawyer and she happened to memorize all of the most important laws that many cases are brought to in trial.

"Did they grant you permission to take these pictures? If not, then it is a violation of privacy. Therefore, Seongwoo and Sejin both have the authority to fine you in a civil court. After all, I'm pretty sure Sejin asked you not to spread that photo around, meaning you have to delete the photo, meaning you were harassing her." Sungmi pointed out.

"What if Seongwoo says I can?" Mingyun asked.

"Then that means that Sejin's face has to be blurred and any evidence that proves it's Sejin and Seongwoo would have to be blurred." Sungmi stated.

"And who said I would give you permission to spread my photo around?" Seongwoo stepped into the conversation. Mingyun turned around. Seongwoo smiled, but in a I-just-caught-you kind of smile. 

"O-oppa." Mingyun stuttered.

"Delete the photo now. And if anyone else from your little clique has the photo, make them delete it too or else I will resort to extreme measures. Got that?" Seongwoo was glaring at Mingyun at this point. She nodded before running off and crying. "Now, I believe we have lunch to finish, isn't that right everybody?" Seongwoo turned towards the audience that we now had. Everyone turned around and pretended that they saw nothing even though they started to gossip about what had happened.

"Hyung..." Jihoon looked at Seongwoo in admiration. "Could you please teach me your ways?" I smacked Jihoon's head.

"I don't think you would want to learn from him. He pretty much chose the worst girl to date and sucks at school. Not to mention, as a kid, he loved–" Seongwoo's hand went over my mouth.

"I think that's enough to talk about right, Sejin?" He looked at me, almost threatening me to shut my mouth. I didn't. Instead, I bit his hand until he let go.

"Anyway as I was saying, he loved Winnie the Pooh up until the fourth grade. You have no idea how much he fanboyed over Winnie the Pooh." I told the freshmen. Seongwoo looked embarrassed and hurt after I spilled his secret.

"Waah! That's so cute, hyung! I never knew you liked Winnie the Pooh!" Jihoon exclaimed.

"Jihoon, calm down. I know you liked Barnie up until recently, but I wouldn't call that something to be proud of." Woojin placed his hands over Jihoon's head. "Get some sense into your head, hyung." A flying fit of liquids and food flew everywhere at this remark.

"Hyung?! Jihoon is older than you?!" Seongwoo exclaimed. Woojin and Jihoon nodded as if it was common knowledge.

"Yeah. Jihoon was born in May while I was born in November. Hyung, we've known each other for almost a year and you just realize this?" Woojin explained to us like we were dummies. "Anyways, I think noona has something to tell us instead. What the heck is going on between you and Mingyun?"

I sighed, admitting defeat. "Well, I guess I should confess. Hey! That rhymed. I should be a rapper one day. I could be a swaggy rapper in the future, you know." I laughed awkwardly. 

"Cut it out, noona. First off, only Guanlin can say that and secondly, I know you're trying to stall." Woojin pointed out. I sighed. This was going to be a long story. 

sorry for the short chapter 🙃 😅

edit: two chapters edited WOOT WOOT! it still sucks tho

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