Chapter 18: Group Chat

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〖today's society even got a 23 year old hooked into its trends〗

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〖today's society even got a 23 year old hooked into its trends〗

Yoon Sejin's POV:

The bell for lunch rang and many people were running to the cafeteria. On the way, I overhead two girls gossiping.

"Hey, did you hear that Seongwoo and Sejin are dating?"

"No way, they always denied their relationship as friendship. Besides, what would Seongwoo see in Sejin?"

"It's true! They came late to school at the same time yesterday and there was a photo going around that they were cuddling in bed. I also heard Seongwoo broke up with Mingyun for the sake of Sejin!"

"I'm happy that he broke up with Mingyun, but seriously? It seems like he's using Sejin as a rebound." I froze in my spot. Me? As a rebound? I shook my head. 'There's no way he would do that.'

"Oh, shut up! You're just jealous of Sejin. Admit it, you like Seongwoo and you don't want him to be taken except by you. I personally like the couple, as they are my ultimate ship in school." The girl hit her friend. They turned around and saw me. "O-Oh, sunbaenim. I'm so sorry for my friend's incompetence. I'll make sure it won't happen again." She bowed.

"Oh, it's nothing." I waved her off. They bowed once again before running off to the cafeteria. I plopped down at my table and laid my head on the table.

"What's wrong?" Sungmi asked me.

"Finals. I'm dying right now." I popped up and looked at her. "I haven't been able to study science as well as I wanted to, but I'm lacking in all of my other classes."

"You'll do fine. Here." She handed me a piece of paper.

"What's this for?" I asked her.

"This year, I'm trying something new. Instead of the usual way of how we did things, you know, calling up a meeting and stuff, this time I plan to give every officer of the club a ballot to elect a new president, vice president, historian, secretary, and treasurer. Once the officers have voted, then I was gonna hold a meeting with the rest of the club to elect the new officers. Since most of officers are Seniors, I wanted them to not come to tomorrow's meeting especially since finals are right around the corner. It just so happens you're the last officer I need to ask." She smiled.

I took the piece of paper and wrote down the Juniors that I knew from the club. That was the downside of not having enough meetings. When it came to voting for new officers, we only knew a hand full of people, so the officers end up being mainly Seniors. I handed Sungmi my ballot.

"I'll go to the meeting tomorrow. I would have to stay after school anyway because of Seongwoo's dance practice, so I might as well do something productive. Besides, I don't think the teachers are going to assign homework tomorrow since their last grade has to be the final test, aka finals." I told her.

"Cool. Have you heard the rumors yet?" Sungmi asked me after putting the ballot away.

"No, what are they?" I opened my lunchbox, which contained leftover bibimbap.

"O. M. G. There are rumors flying that you and Seongwoo are dating!" Sungmi squealed.

"Who and who are dating?" Woojin sat down.

"Woojin, didn't you hear about it last period?" Jihoon sat down next to Woojin. "There's a rumor going around the school that noona and Seongwoo hyung started dating."

"Really?!" Woojin looked at me. "Heol, you guys weren't a couple before?" Everyone at the table facepalmed themselves.

"How would you explain Mingyun?" Sungmi blatantly pointed out.

"I don't know. I mean, I thought it was because they broke up temporarily and Seongwoo was forced into the relationship. To be fair, I was ignoring Mingyun because during the times she was around, my teachers all decided to hold a test or have a project due then." He shrugged. "Well, congrats anyways."

"I didn't even say that we were dating!" I whined.

"Oh, stop denying it. It was on his Instagram bio. He changed it from 'single' to 'taken'." She showed me her phone. (A/N: inserts photo of Instagram account but is too lazy to create one and make it seem legit)

She was right. Underneath Seongwoo's name was 'Taken 💖 🔐'.

"Aww, is our Sejin blushing?" Sungmi teased me. I handed her phone back.

"When did he update this?" I asked her.

"This morning." She replied before scrolling through her feed. "You should really go into the social media platform."

"Yeah, noona! That way, we can still keep in touch with you when you go to college!" Jihoon exclaimed.

"Why not just get my number?" I asked. We all stared at each other and burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! Why didn't we think of this before?" Sungmi laughed. "Let's create a group chat!"

Woojin and Jihoon gave me their numbers, and I created the group. The group was created and we started to text each other. Daniel and Seongwoo came to our table confused as to why we all had our phones out, but after a flood of buzzing hit their butts, they knew something was up.

Lunch Squad 🍱🍴

K, so im sungmi

Im sejin

Tf is this?

Idk either

^^Daniel and the one above daniel's is seongwoo

Im woojin, we decided to make a group chat for our lunch


Seongwoo and Daniel looked up at us, questioning why we did this.

"Don't give me those looks. The freshmen here wanted a way to keep in touch, so we decided to create this group chat." Sungmi explained.

"Ahh..." The boys concluded. Everyone put away their phones and decided to have a face to face conversation like before.

"So hyung, are the rumors true?" Jihoon asked Seongwoo.

"What rumors?" Seongwoo looked confused.

"That you and noona are dating!" Jihoon exclaimed.

"Ohh! Those rumors!" Seongwoo's eyes lit up. He flung his arm around me. "Yeah, they're true."

"Omo, omo, omo, omo! When did you guys start dating?" Sungmi started to fangirl.

"Yah! Choi Sungmi! Quit it!" I complained while blushing.

"Congrats dude!" Daniel exclaimed. "This one is so much better than the last." I threw a piece of spinach at Daniel. "I take that back."

Everyone laughed at Daniel and it was time for classes to begin once again.

this chapter is shorter than the last..... but i realized something. it's not about how many words the chapters hold, it's about how many 'enter's or 'return's that make the chapter long :))

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