Chapter 9: Selca/Selfie

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Ong Seongwoo's POV

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Ong Seongwoo's POV

I went inside Sejin's bathroom to get another pad, but when I opened the cabinet underneath her sink, I couldn't help but see a piece of metal. I picked up the metal, but it seemed unused. It was sharp and seemed like it would hurt if sliced against the skin. It only took a few minutes to realize that it was a razor that Sejin kept. I felt infuriated. It seemed that Sejin wanted to inflict self-harm against herself, but lacked the courage to. 

(A/N: To all of those who are cutting themselves, you're beautiful. You guys are perfect just the way you are. I may be some stranger, but please, your life is something that is dear to this world. I love you, and there is someone out there who feels the same.) I took the piece of metal and threw it in a garbage bin outside. I found the pad and stormed back into her room.

"Yah, Yoon Sejin. You better explain to me why I found a small razor in your bathroom." I sternly told her. She looked scared at the fact that I found out.

"W-what d-do y-you m-mean?" She stuttered. I grabbed her wrist and pulled both of her sleeves up. No cuts were there. I then proceeded to lift up her pull her pants to the point where I could only see her thighs. No cuts. "S-stop this Seongwoo." She grabbed my hands. "I didn't cut myself." I looked into her eyes. They told me that she was telling the truth.

"Then why? Why did you attempt?" Tears filled my eyes. She leaned over and hugged me.

"Because. I felt hated. I felt that I didn't belong in this world. Seeing you guys all laughing, I felt that I didn't deserve it. The pressure of the school, the things that would happen, everything felt like I was unwanted. Please try to understand me, Seongwoo." She whispered calmly. I looked up from her embrace.

"No, I can't understand. Can't you see that we all love you? Daniel loves you, Sungmi loves you, your family loves you, heck, even the freshmen, 2Park, loves you. Most importantly, I love you, Sejin-shi. There's nothing that would change that." I held her face between my hands. "I love you Sejin. I've loved you ever since we were children."

She muttered something that I couldn't get.

"What was that?" I asked. She took a deep breath.

"You only love me as a friend." She looked away. I was confused. What did she mean as a friend? She saw my confusion and waved off her remark. "Anyway, you needed my English answers?" I nodded and went to pick up her homework. I took out her homework and began to copy her answers down.

Midway through copying, I heard a light snore. I turned around to see Sejin fast asleep. I took a peak at her clock and it said 10:54. 'CRAP! How long did we talk?' I thought. I hastily finished the remaining questions and tucked her into bed. I chuckled at how cute she looked and decided to leave her a note. I checked to see if she set up an alarm, but her clock didn't support the alarm feature. I grabbed her phone, only to be set with a password.

'Hmm... Could it be?' I tried the combo 4645, for HMH5 as in Hwang Minhyun 1995. It didn't work. I tried 1995, and that didn't work. Then I tried 6647 and it worked! BTW, 6647 stands for ongs as in Ong S. I quickly opened up the clock app and set an alarm for 6 in the morning. I decided to snoop around her phone and opened up her photos. There were many photos of NU'EST's Minhyun that I couldn't help but to be jealous. Even her home screen was Minhyun!

I opened up her SNOW app and took a selfie.

I snickered at myself and how much of a genius I was

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I snickered at myself and how much of a genius I was. I set the selfie to her home screen and lock screen before I left her room. When I did open up her door, I saw Jisung sprawled on the floor, sleeping. He must've been so tired, that he collapsed and slept. I quietly tiptoed over him and left their house.

The next day, I woke up early and ate breakfast as fast as I could. I kissed my mom on the cheek and bid goodbye to my parents. I quickly ran to school, in hopes that I wouldn't run into Sejin. I didn't want to die young. I had a life to live filled with happiness. When I arrived, I saw Sejin looking really grumpy and ready to beat someone up.

"Ong Seongwoo." I gulped. "You better get your butt over here or else!" I did the only logical thing a man could do when a girl was glaring at them, run. I ran into the building in hopes that she wouldn't catch me. I turned around to only see her hand grab my ear.

"Ow, ow, ow! Hey, let go of me!" I complained while holding tightly on her arms.

"Not on my watch. You better explain yourself for setting my alarm to 6 in the morning and this disgusting photo." She showed me her lock screen. I smiled and try to play the cute act.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as cute as I could.

"Cut the act out. Only Jihoon can fully nail aegyo. You on the other hand look like an old man trying to be cool." She insulted me.

"Hey, that wasn't very nice of you!" I told her and managed to free myself from her grip. I then ran to our English class because I knew that she hated the teacher, but the teacher adored her. When I ran in, I sat down and tried to play the oblivious card. The next thing I knew, I heard an unpleasant voice down the hallway. I got out of my seat, only to see something I wanted to erase.

oooooh ~who's it gonna be, who's it gonna be?~ any k-poopers out there?

also i happen to be downloading episodes of a kdrama for me to watch during my two days of boredom (which hopefully doesn't happen) 

sorry for the short chapter and how i touched on a touchy subject for some 

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