Chapter 22: A Date?

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⇥i originally had a different gif but it wouldnt save :((⇤

Yoon Sejin's POV:

"Here's our first stop!" Seongwoo stopped in front of Lotte World. We went up to the register to buy our tickets.

"You guys are high school students? Shouldn't you be studying?" The person working asked.

"We should, but this one got sick from the stress." Seongwoo pointed at me.

"Hey! It's not my fault!" I told him. The receptionist gave us our two tickets.

"That's 90,000 won." He said. My eyes opened when I heard the price. Seongwoo handed the guy the money and dragged me into the park.

"90,000 won?!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's no big deal. After all, it is for our date." Seongwoo winked. I gulped. I felt so guilty for making him spend that much money. He took me to the very first ride, the Viking. Once we were secured, the ride began.

"AHH!" I was screaming. Seongwoo was screaming with me. "SEONGWOO!"

"YEAH?" He screamed back.


"OF COURSE! I LOVE YOU!" He looked at me in confusion. I had a sullen face. "WHY?"


"WHY WOULD YOU HURT ME?" He looked at me, looking for answers. I shook my head.

"JUST A THOUGHT." I answered. He nodded before we continued to enjoy the rest of the ride. Once we finished the Viking, my stomach grumbled.

"Do you want to go eat?" Seongwoo turned towards me. I nodded and we came across a restaurant. I found a table for us to sit at while Seongwoo went to order our food. I opened my phone and started to play a few games to pass time. I placed my phone on the table when Seongwoo came back with a hamburger and a smoothie.

"What's this?" I teased him. "Who was the one that said money didn't matter?" He blushed.

"Well, they said that it would be a 10 minute wait for the second burger, so I just paid for one." He nervously responded. I chuckled.

"I'm going to go and wash my hands." I stood up. "I'll be back real quick."

Third Person POV

Sejin went to use the bathroom that happened to be pretty far from their restaurant. Suddenly, her phone lit up showing a text. Seongwoo who was curious, opened it up.


have u broke up with him yet?

Seongwoo looked confused as he read the text. For some reason, the number seemed familiar. A lightbulb hit him as he realized that the number was Mingyun's. He scrolled up and read the previous texts they shared.

I kno u read my text

hurry and reply

Seongwoo tilted his head and replied.

Not yet

u better hurry

or else u and him will end up dead~

Seongwoo looked at the text in confusion.

What do u mean?

I decided to change up
the deal. If u don't break
up with seongwoo by tomorrow,
both of u will end up dead.

Seongwoo's eyes grew huge. He looked up and saw that Sejin was nowhere around. He then proceeded to delete the messages that were sent recently. He put the phone down and realized what Sejin meant with her questions on the Viking. That's when he decided. He would be the one to break up with her, not the other way around.

Sejin came back from the bathroom after finding 100 won left on the floor.

"So, what did I miss?" She asked before sitting down. Seongwoo still had his head down. He was still debating in his head if the choice he made was the right one. "Seongwoo?" He looked up.

"O-oh. H-hey Sejin." His gaze seemed to be lost in thought.

"Are you alright?" Sejin seemed concerned.

"Sejin, let's break up." He dropped it. Sejin looked shocked at his sudden request.

"Why?" Tears formed in her eyes.

"I don't know. I just felt like I was using you as a rebound. I don't want to hurt your feelings any further. How about we just be friends?" He held out his hands. Deep down, he felt like breaking down and comforting Sejin. He didn't like to see the tears in her eyes. The only reason why he continued with this plan was to protect Sejin from Mingyun's wrath.

"O-okay. I was kind of thinking of the same thing." She shook his hand while looking down. "So, friends?" She hesitantly looked up. She looked back down because her vision was blurring from the tears that were forming.

She stood up, grabbed her phone and ran out of the amusement park. Seongwoo looked at her running away, and tears started to form in his eyes. He wiped them away before standing up and walking towards the exit.

Sejin ran towards the Wanna One Café and dropped off the 100 won before the receptionist could even speak. The receptionist noticed the 100 won and realized who the girl was. The receptionist also happened to notice the tear drops on the bill. The bell rang again.

"Hello, and welcome to Wanna One Café, where you wanna have one, but you can't resist yourself and get one more!" The girl said, cheerfully. "Oh, it's you again."

Seongwoo chuckled at her. "Can I have one of your sweet rolls?"

"Sure. It'll be 1,000 won." Seongwoo handed her the money. "Oh, and take this 100 won. Your girlfriend had to pay 2,100 won for two rolls earlier but only had 2,000. I want you to give this back to her. I already paid the 100 won for her." Seongwoo took the 100 won.

"Yeah, I'll give it back to her." Seongwoo grabbed the boxes that the girl placed on the counter.

He sat down at the same outside table they sat at before when they went on their second unofficial date. He observed the 100 won bill. It had tear drops on it and it seemed as if she was crumpling it in anger as she cried. His heart broke when he realized what had happened. He sighed, wondering how cruel life can be.

im sorry to inform u readers that next chapter is going to be the last chapter (excluding the epilogue of course)

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