Chapter 21: A Deal with the Devil

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⇀that smirk tho↼

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⇀that smirk tho↼

Yoon Sejin's POV:

I woke to the sounds of banging on my door.

"Yah, Yoon Sejin! Wake up!" My brother called from outside.

"What do you mean?" I asked, still drowsy.

"You have a guest!" He said before I heard his footsteps leaving. 

'A guest? Who would want to see me during the weekend?' I thought. I took my phone and checked the time. It was only 9:24 in the morning. I suddenly remembered my date with Seongwoo. I double checked the time. 9:25. He said he wouldn't come pick me up until 10. So, who was it that was waiting for me?

Either way, I got up and dressed myself somewhat decently. Decently as in throwing on a random shirt and wearing my sweatpants. I walked out of my room, slightly fixing my hair, and walked downstairs. The last person I wanted to see was Mingyun in my living room. She got up.

"Oh, hey Sejin!" She smiled at me. I waved back.

"I didn't know that you had another friend who was a girl besides Sungmi!" My mom exclaimed. "I'm so glad that you two got to know each other!"

"Friend?" I questioned my mom.

"Are you that tired that you forgot about your friends? I swear, you need to stop sleeping for so long on the weekends." My mom rolled her eyes.

"Anyway Sejin, I was planning that we go out today. You know, to release the stress of finals." Mingyun explained.

"I'm sorry?" I asked.

"Oh, that's a lovely idea! I think you guys should go get some fresh air. After all, Sejin just got sick because of the stress. As long as you guys don't do anything that could be dangerous." My mom exclaimed.

"I guess, I'll go get ready? But I haven't even eaten breakfast yet." I told them.

"Oh, don't worry! I was planning on dropping by the Wanna One Café today to get some food. I haven't eaten anything either." Mingyun proposed. I nodded before going upstairs and changing. Once I finished changing, my brother was outside my door, waiting.

"Is that the girl?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed. "When things get serious, call me." He went back to his room to whatever he does in there.

I went back downstairs and was dragged out by Mingyun.

"Bye, Mrs. Yoon! It was nice to be able to talk to you!" She waved as she walked out, dragging me. She dragged me all the way to the Wanna One Café.

"Hello, and welcome to Wanna One Café, where you wanna have one, but you can't resist yourself and get one more!" The receptionist exclaimed. She looked at me and pointed. "You! So you're back here for more sweets?"

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