Chapter 10: A Kiss

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[yes, you are]

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[yes, you are]

Yoon Sejin's POV

Seongwoo had gotten out of grip and ran off towards the direction of our English class. I tried to run after him only to be slammed into the locker. One of Mingyun's goons picked up my phone and showed it to Mingyun herself.

"What is this? He took a selfie that I haven't seen? And it's on your phone?" She started to yell. By now, everyone was gathering around us. Man, why did the teachers always have to come late? She leaned down towards me. "Didn't I tell you not to flirt with him? It seems as if you two are now dating." She looked into the crowd and yelled. "You see here? MY EX-BOYFRIEND DECIDED TO CHEAT ON ME WITH THIS BITCH!"

"N-no. That's not-" I tried to speak, but one of her sidekicks punched me in the stomach. Right after the bruise from before healed. 'Welp, that's another bruise to worry about,' I thought to myself.

"Yah, Mingyun-shi. Stop trying to make yourself look like a fool." A voice from the crowd spoke. I looked up to see Daniel step out.

"Mingyun-shi?! Sweetie, I'm your senior, meaning you have to call me noona." She told Daniel.

"Really? You're my senior?! I thought you were a really tall fifth grader!" Daniel retorted back. "An ugly one too." He muttered. Mingyun grabbed his collar.

"What did you just say?" She was practically breathing on his face.

"Y-yah. Kang Daniel, you better stop. She'll kill you." I said, barely breathing. They must've punched my windpipe or something. Mingyun looked at me.

"Your friend makes a good point." She lifted my chin. "Just look at her. This is what happens when you try to interfere on something that I desire." She swiped her finger across the bottom of my cheek. I winced in fear that she would hit my head. She laughed at my gesture. "Look at that! You're scared!" She lifted her hand and formed a fist. She faked a punch and I flinched. "Aww, it seems like I'm a bit too scary huh?"

"Kim Mingyun. You better back the fuck away from Sejin or I will call the police and tell on you." Seongwoo showed up.

"O-oppa. I didn't mean any harm to Sejin. We were just having a little chat, am I right?" She turned to me with a devilish smile.

"Stop lying Mingyun!" Someone from the crowd shouted.

"Well, I think I have my answer on who to believe. There is a group of witnesses." Seongwoo walked over to me and picked me up. He then signaled to Daniel to grab my phone. "As for us, I told you that we were over. Stop hurting my friends just to gain something that is hopeless." He then ran to the nurse's office to try and get me fixed up.

When we arrived at the office, the nurse wasn't around. Turns out, she was out sick, so I insisted that we head back to first period. Seongwoo disagreed, but finally agreed because I wouldn't listen to what he said.

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