Chapter 20: Home

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↠im so confused on which gifs i have used and which i havent↞

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↠im so confused on which gifs i have used and which i havent↞

Yoon Sejin's POV:

I quickly turned off my phone before Seongwoo could see. He handed me my glass of water. I thanked him and took a sip.

"So, are you going to be staying the night again or are you going to be going back to your home?" He asked.

"I don't know. It really depends on if I can even walk. It also depends if my parents are willing to let me stay over." I suddenly got a call from my brother.

Incoming call from The Ding Dong Head Himself 🤢
Decline | Accept

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I'm going over to pick you up. Why do you have to be so rude to your own brother?"

"But what if I can't walk?" I asked him.

"Then we'll have Seongwoo carry you. Mom said that she didn't want to burden the Ong's and have them care for you."

"Ok, I'm hanging up right now." I hung up on him.

"So, what did your brother say?" Seongwoo asked. I could see his fingers crossed.

"He said that I'm going to be staying at my house. My parents don't want to burden you guys any further with having to take care of me." I told him.

"Aww. I really wanted you stay over for another night!" He whined.

"But we are still having our date tomorrow if I feel any better." I told him. "Besides, my brother said that if I can't walk then you can carry me back home."

"YAY!" He cheered, almost knocking my glass down.

"Yah! You almost spilled water on your own bed!" I scolded him. He hugged me.

"I'm sorry." He said while nuzzling his head in my shoulders. Ding dong!

"I guess that's my cue to leave." I told him. He moved out of the way as I attempted to walk. When I first stood up, I fell back on to the bed. Seongwoo quickly came to my side to try and carry me. "I think I can walk." I smiled.

I set both feet firmly on the ground and use the bedpost to pull myself up. I finally stood, but I felt really dizzy. I grabbed onto Seongwoo's shoulder as I tried to walk around.

"If you can't walk, then I could carry you." I shook my head.

"I can walk, I just need something to support me. I haven't stood up since I brush my teeth last night." I told him. He looked at me hesitantly before he lent his arm to provide support. I smelled the aroma of a savory soup being cooked.

Jisung and Mrs. Ong saw me walking down and they each gestured for me to go towards them. I guess they noticed what the other did before having a light argument.

"Jisung, you should at least let her eat dinner here. I've already prepared everything." Mrs. Ong protested.

"I'm sorry eomma-ni, but my mom said that she needed to come home early." Jisung apologized. I walked towards Jisung, still using Seongwoo as support before I used my brother.

"Oh c'mon. Here." Mrs. Ong went to grab a bowl of rice porridge before shoving it in my face.

"I'm fine eomma-ni." I told her.

"No, I insist. I'll go talk to your mother. You're eating dinner here. You too Jisung." Jisung looked at me and I just stared back at him. Mrs. Ong went to the kitchen to call my mom.

"So, now what?" Seongwoo asked. Jisung and I both shrugged.

"I guess we wait." Jisung blatantly stated. Mrs. Ong came back in rushing.

"I couldn't convince your mom unfortunately. But at least take this." She gave me the rice porridge, but in a container to take home.

"Thank you, eomma-ni." I slightly bowed.

"No need. It's something that I should do as your future mother-in-law." She winked.

"Mom!" Seongwoo complained.

"Yah, Seongwoo-ah. You better marry this girl and only this girl." She said while pointing at me. I started to blush. "Besides, you guys are so loud. I could even here you from the kitchen!" Jisung looked at Seongwoo.

"It wasn't like that! We were just arguing over what the right answer was for one question!" Seongwoo complained. I was still a bit confused of part of the situation.

"Oh nonsense. I heard you guys planning your date tomorrow." She gasped and covered her mouth. "Was I not supposed to say that?" I looked over at Jisung. He had a look of relief on his face.

"Eomma-ni, could I possibly ask if they went any further than talking last night?" Jisung worded his question carefully.

"Oh heavens, no. I wouldn't have allowed it, since I know how strict of a brother you are." I looked at the two in confusion. Seongwoo's face was turning red every second. "I don't think my husband would've been happy either."

"Anyways, thank you for taking care of Sejin today." Jisung pat my head.

"It was nothing!" She exclaimed. "She was very good and slept all day."

"Well, bye!" Jisung and I waved our hands and we walked back home. When we opened the door, my mom came rushing to my side. She put her hand on my forehead and looked relieved.

"Thank goodness your fever is gone. I see that the Ong's have given you a care package." She noticed the container filled with rice porridge. "Here, here. Give it to me." I gave the container to my mom. She took and went to heat it up. Jisung proceeded to sit me down in a chair at the dinner table and went to grab a spoon and fork.

"You know, you should really stop stressing yourself out." Jisung told me. "Studies have shown that stress can be a cause of illness."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you not gonna trust your brother, who is studying to be a doctor?!"

"See, I would trust you in a hospital setting, but we're at home so I only see you as my dorky brother." Jisung pouted.

"Yah! You really need to trust in me!" He stated.

"When you get your license to practice medicine, I might consider it." I told him.

"Here you go. Eat up, brush your teeth and go to sleep, alright?" My mom told me. I nodded. I finished the porridge and went upstairs to get ready for bed. In the midst of changing, I got a text.


I do too, but im sick 🙃


Btw im picking u up at around 10 am


I shut off my phone and turned off my light. I settled down in my bed, but for some reason I couldn't fall asleep as easily as before. I guess it was because Seongwoo wasn't hugging me. Man, I really missed his cuddles at night. I sighed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

well this chapter was pretty short... my excuse is always gonna be homework

again, sorry for not updating as often as i should be 

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