Chapter 6: The Truth

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【honestly, ongniel is great and better than my entire existence】

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【honestly, ongniel is great and better than my entire existence】

Yoon Sejin's POV:

"Well, it first starts off in middle school, when Mingyun just started to tease me. She would call me different names every day because of one person. I won't name the person, but yeah. Then it suddenly escalated as time went on. She began to harass me at every moment she could, calling me names, pushing me around, and taking my things for no other purpose but to mess with me. I thought that this was initiation into high school, so I dealt with it.

"Finally, she started to physically and mentally hurt me whenever she found time to. Eventually, that led her to pull me out of class or out of the hallways to grab a random item and hit me. Sometimes she would punch, sometimes she would slap. That's only a fraction of the story, but that's all I'm spilling. I'm sorry for not explaining it right." I told them.

I wasn't ready to talk about the names, the bruises, the many nights spent crying, the times where I felt like suffocating. The others didn't mind the bad explanation, but they understood.

"Noona... nae maeum seoge, jeojang!" (A/N: THIS GOES AGAINST MY WHOLE THING ABOUT AVOIDING ROMANIZATION BUT LIKE ITS THE ONLY WAY) Jihoon said in this in a cute voice, adding a cute gesture. We all laughed at how cute he was and shared a lunch that was to remember. Finally, it was time for the next class to begin.


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The final class was done and everyone rushed out of their classes to the front of the school, not me though. I casually walked through the halls to the practice room to settle down and begin my homework. That was the plan initially. However, they were ruined before I even got to the practice room. Someone stopped me, covered my mouth, and dragged me into the bathroom. My thoughts immediately went to Mingyun on who planned this out. 

"Well, well, well. Look who showed up. The snake." She hissed at me. "I would love to keep chatting, but I have to go somewhere to go. Dunk her ladies." She left after applying her final touches of makeup. Her sidekicks dragged me into a nearby stall and dunked my head into the toilet. They flushed the toilet repeatedly until my hair was soaked fully and I couldn't breathe.

"H-help." I took a gasp of air. "P-please." Another gasp. "S-stop." Another gasp. Tears started to  form at this point. They stopped, only to let me catch a breath of air. After the brief breath, they pushed my head back down into the toilet and continued to flush. The only thing I could remember was water flooding through my nostrils and mouth before I passed out.

When I awoke from my slumber, a bright light shined, blinding my vision, and a person was saying something that I couldn't hear. They kept lightly slapping my face, as if to say wake up. Everything was foggy and I couldn't operate correctly. Suddenly, they put me down and left me to go do something. I tried to lift my arm and call out to them to come back, but my voice and strength left me. I passed out again after seeing the person leave from out of my sight.

"Sejin, Sejin, SEJIN! WAKE UP!" I opened my eyes to see Seongwoo's face in front of me. Instinct took over and my hands slapped him. After registering that he was real, I sat myself up. Everyone surrounded around me: Woojin, Jihoon, Sungmi, Daniel, and Seongwoo. Their faces showed relief as if they were worried about me. 

"Hey guys, why do you seem as if I almost died?" I questioned them, confused.

"Because you almost did, you idiot!" Sungmi hugged me, tears were falling from her eyes.

"I did?" I was really confused. I looked around at everyone hoping for answers, but none came.

"It seems like her knocking out seemed to black out her memory." The doctor said.

"Hyung, could you tell us what's wrong with your sister?" Seongwoo asked.

"You're my brother?" I pointed at the doctor. He was sulking by himself in the corner of the room. 

"You don't remember? Jisung is your older brother. You know, the one who would always try to make us laugh even though he wasn't funny and you still laughed to not be rude?" Seongwoo tried to remind me.

"Who am I?" I asked everyone. They looked at me, worried about my condition. 

"You're Yoon Sejin. My neighbor and our friend." Seongwoo still tried to remind me.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember anything except for you guys. I only remember your names though." Everyone all turned towards the doctor. The doctor walked up to me.

"Yoon Sejin. If you don't quit this now, I'm gonna have to tell everyone about your obsession with–" I shut Jisung's mouth.

"He he he. Gotcha?" I hesitantly laughed at everyone.

"Wait, so you were kidding when you don't remember anything?" Daniel asked.

"Well, I wasn't kidding when I asked about you guys staring at me as if I was almost dead. But I remember everything else!" I told them. That was a lie.

"Up to where do you remember?" Woojin asked.

"Hmm... up to the part where I fell asleep in math." I told them. Another lie. They looked at each other with concern.

"How about you guys go home? Seongwoo and I will help Sejin get back to her room safely. Have a good night!" Jisung waved and urged the rest of them to leave.

"C'mon Seongwoo. Let's get my heavy-ass sister back." I slapped him.

"I'm not heavy. I just happen to have a lot of muscle. And besides, I can walk by myself." I told him. I stood up, but fell back down again. My body seemed to weigh tons more than I remembered.

"Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say. Hurry up and get on my back. When I feel tired, you'll switch to Seongwoo." Jisung instructed us. I climbed on Jisung's back as we prepared to walk back home.

sorry for another short chapter, (hopefully) the next chapter is a bit longer :))

edit: why did i think i could write???

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