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Zayn didn't even look bothered. It frustrated me. My skin started tingling, which meant I was going to start sweating any minutes now.

"I didn't do anything."

I huffed. "You're lying. Kyle wouldn't just leave me alone on such sudden notice," I glared at him some more. If looks could kill.

"I'm helping you out. If anything you should be thanking me."

"For what?! Sending Kyle off somewhere and loose contact with me? Have you lost your mind? When I told you about us, I didn't mean for you to get involved." I was only being this straightforward because I was pissed. And I'd lost my fear of Zayn a while ago. He was just another person. And he was going to hear my mouth all day if it lead to that.

He shouldn't have gotten involved. Everything was fine the way it was. I wish he'd never seen us in that car three weeks ago.

Zayn shrugged. "If I didn't, who knows what would've happened to you." He said it as if he really cared about my well being.

We didn't know each other!

I groaned loudly, walking up to him and shoving my finger into his broad chest. "Stay out of my fucking life Zayn Malik. I was fine. I can handle myself!"

Zayn's eyes hardened when my finger jabbed at his chest. He glared at me, swiping my hand away from him before I could pull it back. "One, don't touch me; two, if you really had this shit under control you would've seen that Kyle was no good for you. "

"Who are you? My dad?! You don't get to make those fucking decisions for me!"

Zayn shoved me aside and walked back into the parking lot. "Whatever. Thank me later," and with that, he got on his stupid ass motorcycle and zoomed off down the same street Kyle had went down minutes ago.



Times like these are when I wish I'd told Emma or maybe even James about everything that happened with me way back when. I wish I was truthful with them. I wouldn't be sulking in my room, laying on my carpeted floor staring up at the ceiling if I could call up Emma and spill the beans out to her so she could help me feel better.

I sighed. Sitting up, I grab for my phone, unlocking it and scrolling through my contacts.

Kyle's name catches my attention, and I bite my lip. I haven't called him in forever, he's always just showed up, but obviously, he probably won't be showing up so much anymore.

Inhaling, I press his name on the contact and wait for it to start ringing.



"Riyanna? I can't talk right now-"

"Kyle Wait! Please tell me what's going on between you and Zayn. I need to know why you actually listened to him to stay away from me. Tell me the truth about what's happening," I was getting frustrated again, my skin started to tingle. "Please."

"Riyanna, not now baby. I swear I'll call you when I can. Now isn't the time," as soon as he said that I heard shouting from his line, it sounded like a female.

I didn't want to get jealous, were weren't together, but I felt it coming up. "Who are you with?"

"Later, Riya." And with that, he hung up the phone.

For a minute, I just sat there with my phone to my ear.

Then, for some reason, my eyes watered up.

Why are you crying?

I didn't know the answer to that, so I just let myself cry. Maybe I'm crying because I'm frustrated with life, maybe it because Zayn's ruined my life, or maybe it's because Kyle didn't want to talk right now, adding the fact that I heard a female shouting at him, or it's the fact that I can't tell me closest friends about what going on because I'm afraid they'll judge the hell out of me.

But I cried.


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